On November 30, 2020 on the eve of World AIDS Day, an online round table “Together we will end AIDS” was held for English-speaking students by the staff of the BSMU library. Attention was drawn to the danger of the AIDS epidemic and statistics were provided on those who became HIV-infected, died of AIDS and those who are fighting AIDS and bravely continue to live with this disease. The activities on raising public awareness about AIDS and support for those with HIV were highlighted.
In a short popular science form, the audience was told about the history of the disease, the mechanism of destruction of the body by HIV, the scientists who discovered it, the achievements of medicine and progress in antiretroviral therapy in the fight against AIDS, including information on the AIDS situation in India.
Special attention was paid to the International public and health organizations, such as United Nations, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, World Health Organizations as well as numerous celebrities who have stood to fight AIDS providing large funds and striving to check the spread of the epidemic.
The students were instructed on the ways of HIV-transmission and AIDS-prevention. The use of rich illustrative materials and the latest technologies helped to present the material in an interesting and fascinating format.
To everyone’s delight, the event turned into a heated tabling discussion between students, teachers, and presenters on HIV/AIDS issues. The students showed great interest in the AIDS problem; the teachers answered willingly their questions about the incubation period of HIV, the time of HIV manifestation in AIDS tests, and the like. The event ended with wishes to the students to protect their health, to take precautions and have only safe sex. The audience was also encouraged to participate reasonably in the global celebrations of World AIDS Day taking into account the situation with the Covid-19 quarantine.
The event was held for students of the 42nd, 45th, 50th, 55th, 75th groups of the second year of the Faculty of Medicine No. 3, on the initiative of the chief curator of the faculty – Garvasyuk A.V., curators of the groups – Kushnirik A.V., Antonyuk A. P., Matiychuk K. D., Stegnitskaya L. V.
The Round Table was prepared and held by the librarians T. V. Polyakova and I. V. Kukhliy.
On the occasion of World AIDS Day, celebrated on December 1, the staff of the BSMU library held an online information event “What do we know about AIDS”.
The students were told about the beginning of the spread of the AIDS epidemic in the world, about the scientists who discovered the immunodeficiency virus. Statistical data on morbidity in the world, Ukraine and, in particular, in Chernivtsi and the region were provided. Those present learned how the idea of organizing World AIDS Day appeared and who was the author of the idea of movement against this disease, the red ribbon, which has become a symbol not only of understanding, but also of uniting the efforts of people aimed at solving this problem.
Assistant of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology – Andrushchak L.A. (curator of the 16th group), told the students about the mechanism of destruction of the body by HIV infection, introduced information about the type of HIV and its molecular structure.
The attendees were informed about the ways of transmission of HIV / AIDS and got acquainted with preventive measures, the implementation of which will eliminate the risk of contracting this dangerous disease from their lives.
The event was held for 2nd year students (Groups 15, 16) Faculty of Medicine No. 2, at the initiative of the curators of the groups L.A. Andrushchak, N.P. Panteleichuk.
The presentation was prepared and conducted by S.O. Tulevska, I.V.Kukhlij
Information on the site was prepared by Svitlana Tulevska
For the Day of Dignity and Freedom, on November 19, 2020, the library of the BSMU together with students of the II course 2, 3 gr. Faculty of Pharmacy, specialty “Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy “, by the initiative of the chief curator of the faculty, N.V. Panasenko, an online art hour “With Ukraine in the Heart!” was held.
The tragic events in Ukraine (November 2013 – February 2014), which changed the course of history do not leave indifferent any citizen of Ukraine. In one day, thousands of Ukrainians, ordinary civilians, became soldiers of their people. As a result of the criminal actions of the authorities against citizens, the peaceful protest turned into a Euro-revolutionary struggle, which led to political changes, first of all, changes in the consciousness of Ukrainians. Maidan became a test for the value of a person’s identity, a measure of human dignity.
An interesting presentation helped to go through the stages of the European Revolution, to recall the main events of those days. Students I. Flyundra, I. Maksymov, A. Tymchyk, V. Kuznyak, M. Moldavan, I. Dumenko prepared and recited the poetry of the Maidan, where every poetic word got under the skin, caused deep feelings.
The event was prepared and carried out by S.A. Tulevska, I.V.Kukhlij.
Diabetes concerns everybody: take care of your health and your loved ones! (for World Diabetes Day)
World Diabetes Day was marked by an online event held by the BSMU library staff in English on the 12th of November, 2020. The audience’s attention was drawn to the spread of diabetes mellitus, the statistics of deaths from this disease and the importance of combating it in the world and, in particular, in India, being the second most affected by it after China. Important scientific facts about diabetes were presented in a concise form, namely: its pathology, clinics, treatment, as well as Nobel Prize-winning scientists who discovered insulin: Sir Frederic Grant Banting, Dr. Charles Herbert Best and John James Rickard Macleod.
The global nature of the holiday was confirmed by the thirty-year history of its celebrations in 160 countries by screening programmes, radio and television campaigns, sports events and other activities.
In conclusion, advice was given on diabetes prevention, including practical tips to keep the disease away, such as checking sugar levels, changing the lifestyle, eating healthy food in reduced portion size, being physically active, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake and so on. The students were encouraged to take care of their and their loved ones’ health.
The information story was accompanied by a rich illustrative material by means of latest technologies and performed by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Kukhliy I. V.
The event was attended by the students of the 1st course: group 41, 2nd course: groups 45, 55, 75; 3rd course: group 41; 4th course of medical faculty №3 with the organizational support by the chief curator of the faculty Garvasyuk O. V., , Deputy Chief Curator Kushniryk O. V., teachers-curators Antonyuk O. P., Matiychuk K. D.
A native word! A native speech! The one who forgets you has not a heart but a stone in the chest.S. Vorobkevych
To the Day of Ukrainian Writing and Language, the stuff of the BSMU library Tulevska S.A., Kukhliy I.V., together with students of the BSMU college under the guidance of the group curator Kropelnitska Yu.V. held an online literary and artistic hour under the slogan Language is the spiritual wealth of the people
The students were told about the origin of the holiday. We made an excursion into the history of our writing, introduced interesting facts about the development and enrichment of the Ukrainian language.
According to the Orthodox calendar this is the day of memory of the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, so the students were shown a video about the first historian of Kievan Rus, a thinker, a monk of the Kiev Caves Monastery, the author of The Tale of Bygone Years.
Our native Ukrainian language is rich and harmonious, being the most beautiful miracle, a treasure house that stores the history of our people, its soul, and culture. Students honored the great creators of the Ukrainian word, reciting poetry lines of T.Shevchenko, L.Ukrainka, I. Kotlyarevsky, S. Vorobkevych, Y. Fedkovych and other masters of national culture and language.
Students were encouraged to respect and love their native language, to reveal for themselves its greatness and power.
Warriors of the Spirit, an online hour of patriotism, dedicated to the Defender of Ukraine Day, was held by the library stuff on October 13, 2020.
Students had the opportunity to turn interesting pages of history and remember the victory of our ancestors, who, with their outstanding achievements, received and defended Ukrainian freedom and independence. Cossacks, rebels, Sich Riflemen, UPA warriors – it is on these glorious examples that we, Ukrainians, are reviving our own dignity, national self-respect and consciousness.
The modern defenders of Ukraine are the ones we rely on now, who are ready not in words, but in deeds to constantly protect their family, their people, their country.
For them, the concept of honor, dignity, strength, responsibility is not just words. Defender of Ukraine, ATO veteran Vasily Nikolaevich, was in the east of the country from July 2014 to February 2015 and joined the online event, told the students about the defense of the country from the military aggressor in today conditions.
The presentation and incredibly interesting communication with the real defender of the country made a strong impression on the participants of the event, because we all understand that we have something to value and cherish. Our heroes live next to us and we are extremely grateful to them.
At the end of the meeting, the students congratulated the veteran on the upcoming holiday.
The event was attended by second-year students (1 gr.) Of the BSMU college under the guidance of the group curator Kupchanko K.P.
The event was organized by the librarian S.A. Tulevskaya. with the assistance of K.P. Kupchanko
On the 8th of October, 2020 in online mode there was held an informative event in English for foreign students of the 1st course: group 41, 2nd course: groups 45, 46, 51, 55, 60, 63, 3rd course: groups 49, 53, 55 and 4th course: group 53 by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Kukhliy I. V. of the BSMU Library dedicated to the World Sight Day.
The audience was given some information concerning the history of the World Sight Day, its founders and active participants (William Perry Woods, Melvin Jones, Sir John Wilson), social organizations which support blind people and work toward the mobilization of resources to prevent blindness ( The Lions, IAPB, Vision 2020, WHO) and statistical data as to the number of people with eye problems. Attention was brought to the themes of annual World Sight Day and how it is celebrated in different countries and, in particular, in India with the largest blind population. The participation of the government of India, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the Christian Blind Mission, eye care experts and common people in the events on the day was highlighted and such free-of charge services like eye screening exam, instant blood sugar test, medical appointment and prescription of medications, other were mentioned. In addition, some suggestions to celebrate the Day were recommended, for example: classes for children on sight protection, distribution of vitamin A, eye screening centers, contests on social media with rewards to the winners.
The importance of taking care about one’s own sight by everybody was emphasized and tips for eyes protection in different life situations given such as working on a computer, being in ultraviolet rays from the sun, wearing contact lens or makeup, having other health conditions and taking medications, smoking and scheduling regular eye exams. Modern technical means were widely used in the presentation of the material.
The event was organized due to the support and assistance by chief curator of the Medical Faculty №3 Garvasyuk O. V., deputy chief curator Kushnirik O. V., teachers Stegnitska L. V. , Antonyuk O. P. and Namestyuk S. V. with the total number of participants exceeding 70 people.
The enactment of the Constitution of Ukraine on June 28, 1996 consolidated the legal basis of independence of Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, became an important step in ensuring human and civil rights, and contributed to the establishment of Ukraine as an independent state and a full subject of international legal relations.
This very topic was discussed during the webinar ”Constitution as an apotrope of our statehood”, which took place on June 22, 2020, and held by the library staff together with pharmaceutical freshmen of 1 st and 2 nd groups of BSMU College under the guidance of the group curator Kupchanko K.P.
The webinar was prepared and presented by Svitlana Tulevska and Masha Danilova.
On May 27, 2020, the library staff Svitlana Tulievska and Masha Danilova took part in an online lesson as part of the Young Teacher School.
They made a presentation on the topic “How to Prevent Plagiarism in the Academic Environment” which revealed to scientists the important terms: “plagiarism”, “academic virtue”, and “academic plagiarism”.
It was noted that according to the Ukrainian Law on Higher Education, the identification of academic plagiarism in scientific thesis is the basis for refusing to award a degree.
The participants were introduced to the world-famous anti-plagiarism program Turnitin, and with the document 10 Types of Plagiarism on its official website of which is the document, which is a list of types of academic plagiarism (ranked by severity and frequency of occurrence in texts), based on a survey of about 900 university teachers of the world. The attention of the participants was drawn to the need to specify a link to the results of the work, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about their own research.
The scientists were reminded that since 2016, a computer system for recording, storing and comparative analysis of electronic texts of written works of employees and students, called Anti-plagiarism, has been introduced at the University. The accounting system allows to check the work on the subject of borrowing texts from open sources. Testing is carried out in the open access reading room (2, Bohomolets str.).
The audience was noted about the link to a resource for automated proofreading of academic texts on the main page of the library’s site, and an option of checking bibliography and webliography is offered in the section “Electronic Services”.
To all sources cited in the presentation QR codes were indicated that could be scanned using the application on the phone.
As part of the events devoted to Science Day in Ukraine, the library staff, together with the assistant professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, O. B. Kvasnitska, conducted a webinar titled «Electronic Services and Library Information Resources for Future Scientists». The online presentation was addressed for 4 th year students of the 26 th group of the Faculty of Medicine No. 1 and of the 3 rd group of the Faculty of Medicine No. 2 and took place on May 15, 2020.
The participants got acquainted with electronic services and information resources available on the library’s official website, students were provided with information about the library’s participation in the life of the university, not limited to lending textbooks for a semester.
The hosts of the online presentation made a point that library staff was always ready to help users in their educational activities. After all, the librarian is not the one who KNOWS EVERYTHING, but the one who knows how to FIND INFORMATION ABOUT EVERYTHING. The event was held by Masha Danilova.
On the Day of Science in Ukraine, an online seminar “What is plagiarism and why is academic virtue important” organized by assistant professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Kvasnitska O.B. and 1st category librarian Tulevska S.O. took place. The event was held for the 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine No. 2 (groups 26, 27, 28, 29) on May 14.
According to Art. 50 of the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights“, and part 4 of Art. 42 of the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, the terms “plagiarism” and “academic plagiarism” were defined.
The participants were told about the existence of cases of plagiarism, examples were given, the most typical errors in citation were considered. The students’ attention was drawn to the need to indicate a link to the results of the work, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn in their own researches.
Students learned that since 2016, the university has introduced a computer system for recording, storing and comparative analysis of electronic texts of written works of employees and students, which is called “Antiplagiarism”. The accounting system allows to check the work on the subject of borrowing texts from open sources. Verification is carried out in the reading room of non-fiction open access literature (2 Bogomolets str.).
On May 7, 2020 the library staff, Danilova M.O. and Tulevska S.O. together with the Department of Psychology and Philosophy acting head, Сand. Sc. Psychology Tymofieva M.P. held an online scientific-practical seminar “Games that people play. Transactional analysis of E. Bern”, to the 110 th anniversary, for the freshmen of the Department of Psychology, on the occasion of the Day of Science in Ukraine.
Masha Danilova and Svitlana Tulevska prepared a presentation about the American psychologist and psychotherapist, Eric Bern, introduced the participants of the scientific seminar with the biography of the world-famous psychologist, highlighted the stages of his formation as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist.
Maryna Tymofieva revealed the main ideas of transactional analysis of E. Bern, the structure of personality, which includes three ego-states "I": Father, Child, Adult, and special terminology: game, stroking and strokes, transactions, prohibitions and early decisions, life scenario, life installation. The position of the psychologist as a teacher and expert and the active position of the client in the correction process were given. The technique of family modeling, analysis of transactions, life scenario were revealed. Students had the opportunity to consolidate the theoretical material with the techniques of Transactional Analysis. Attendees were provided with information about the literature available at the library on this topic.
On the eve of Shevchenko’s birthday a poetic flash mob “The Shevchenko’s word doesn’t age over the ages” organized by the library staff took place at the BSMU library.
Taras Grygorovych Shevchenko is a great and immortal glory of the Ukrainian people, it is a shrine that the Ukrainian people cherish and pride.
The library staff prepared an interesting presentation, during which those present heard the ‘Testament’ of Shevchenko in 9 languages.
Students recited their favorite poems, ballads, thoughts, fragments from the poems ‘Katerina’, ‘Caucasus’, ‘Maidservant’ and of the drama ‘Nazar Stodolya’.
The event was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska, Masha Danilova with the participation of Iryna Kukhlij, together with the college teacher Kupchanko K.P. and freshmen of the specialty ‘Pharmacy’ of the BSMU College
To the Day of Heroes of Heavenly Hundred, on February 19, 2020, an hour of memory – “Heroes of Heavenly Hundred” took place at the library of BSMU.
The library staff told students about the most dramatic stage of the Dignity revolution, events in Kiev on February 18-20, 2014, during which more than a hundred citizens died. We remembered our fellow countrymen, V. Aksenin, O. Shcherbanyuk, who gave their lives upholding our European future. A moment of silence commemorated the immortal memory of the lost heroes of Heavenly Hundred.
A multimedia presentation with photos and documentary plots of events on the Maidan, soulful recitation by students of the poetic lines of the authors of the Maidan caused sincere feelings and emotions among those present.
The event was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska, Natalya Zhuk, Masha Danilova, Irina Kukhlij, on the initiative of the assistant to the department of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, N.V. Panasenko, together with freshmen of the 1 st , 2 nd , 5 th groups of the Faculty of Pharmacy specializing in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy.
On February 18, an art hour “Save our treasure, mother language” took place at the library of the Bukovinian State Medical University on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day.
These days the whole world marks the International Mother Language Day, which was introduced in November 1999 according to the 13 th session of the General Conference of UNESCO with the aim of protecting linguistic and cultural diversity.
The library staff told students the story of the event, acquainted with interesting facts about the history of the development of the Ukrainian language, offered to answer the quiz questions.
With pleasure, the students read poetic lines by M. Rylsky, T. Shevchenko, L. Ukrainka, D. Pavlychko, Yu. Kosinska, N. Krasotkina, with dedicated to our native language.
The event was held for students of BSMU College, with the support of the curators Kupchanko K.P., Kropelnitska Yu.V.
The art hour was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska, Natalya Zhuk, Masha Danilova.
On the February 11, the International Day of Dentist, as part of the specialist’s day, the information hour “Dentistry in the modern world” was held at the Library of BSMU.
The library staff prepared a periodicals presentation during which they told about the new achievements in the field of endodontics and periodontal diseases.
The sophomore of the Faculty of Dentistry, Maria Dovganyuk made a presentation “Silver Amalgam”.
At the end of the event, the participants were given the pre-prepared newsletters.
The event was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska, Natalya Pozhidaeva, Iryna Kukhlij for the second-year students and study groups 5, 6 of the fifth-year students of the Faculty of Dentistry at the initiative of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry assistant, M.O. Ishkov.
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