Information Hour on the subject: “Methodology of Writing Research Paper”
November 3, 2017 within the framework of the Science Week in the student reading room number 2 of BSMU Library, for students with the participation of MD Kvasnitska Olga Borysivna an informational hour on the topic: “Methodology of writing research work” was organized and conducted with the students-bachelors (specialty “Nursing”, medical faculty №4).
Issues of access to scientific resources, the search for the necessary information, and the registration of used documents during the writing of scientific works were raised.
Materials for the event were prepared and presented by the head of information-bibliographic department Alina Shirenkova and the leading librarian of the department Sophia Zaderey.
Presentation of MD Rohovyj Yu.Ye and others. “Pathophysiology of arterial hypertension, combined with osteoarthritis and obesity” monograph.
November 3, 2017 at the Department of Anatomy, Topographic
Anatomy and Operative Surgery a presentation of MD Rohovyj Yu.Ye and others. “Pathophysiology of arterial hypertension, combined with osteoarthritis and obesity” monograph was organized and held for the 3rd year students of the specialty “Medicine”. It took place by the initiative of the assistant of the department Shvets N.V., and with the participation of the Library staff Dina Pislar and bibliographer Iryna Shunderuk.
The monograph is an integral part of the planned scientific-experimental work of the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases of Bukovinian State Medical University. It was interesting to everyone present.
On October 23-29, 2017, the entire world celebrated the International Open Week, during which all interested people shared their experiences and ideas on the introduction of free, fast, permanent real-time access to scientific and educational materials that is being implemented for any user in the global information network.
On October 25, 2017, within the framework of the Week an informational hour was held: “Open to … be accessible”. It took place at the Library electronic reading room No. 1.
The purpose of the event was to open the university’s scientists all the possibilities of free access to scientific arrays, electronic archives and other scientific treasures.
On October 26, 2017, within the framework of the Week a round table discussion on issues of free access to scientific resources in the direction of the department’s work was organized and held at the BSMU Department of Oncology and Radiology. The latest issues of specialized periodicals in the library funds were presented.
On October 30, 2017, within the framework of the Week, materials were presented for discussion at a round table meeting held at the Department of Family Medicine of BSMU.
The issues of quick and qualitative search of scientific information and its subsequent registration when writing scientific papers were raised.
All activities were prepared and conducted by the head of the information and bibliographic department Alina Shirenkova and the leading librarian of the department, Sophia Zaderey.
“Heroes’ path – from father to son” – the hour of patriotism devoted to the Day of the Defender of Ukraine
On October 12, 2017, on the eve of the Day of the Defender of Ukraine, an hour of patriotism “Heroes’ path – from father to son” took place in the reading room 1 of the BSMU Library.
The history and the present day of Ukraine, of the Ukrainian people are products of the heroes of Ukraine, a work of people who gave all their strength and their life to the good of the Ukrainian people: its freedom and statehood, power and prosperity.
Armor, weapons, military tactics and ways of forming troops were changing. But the freedom-loving spirit, invincibility and ability to self-control, which surprised the whole world, remained unchanged. The staff of the library Svitlana Tulevska, Natalia Zhuk, Masha Danilova told about the periods of struggle of the Ukrainian people for their freedom and independence.
The ATO veterans were invited to the event: Walter Sheffer and Roman Karnauk, paratroopers of the brigade 80, members of the PA “Dobrotvolets”, and volunteer of this public organization, Lesya Mikhailiuk.
Walter and Roman began their speech with a minute of silence for all the dead. Since the format of the event was “Question-Answer”, students and teachers were able to learn firsthand about the events that took place on the battlefields. A great impression on students made the story of the protection of the Lugansk airport.
Volunteer Lesya Mikhailyuk spoke about the activities of volunteer organizations, and in particular, PA “Dobrotvolets”.
Walter Scheffer, in his final speech, spoke about the great contribution of doctors to saving lives of our soldiers, thereby motivating students to become true connoisseurs of their cause.
The event was attended by 3rd year students (specialty “Dentistry”), and the 2nd year students (specialty “Medicine”); Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology named after Y.D. Kirschenblat, Gordienko V.V., Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Sociology Timofieva M.P.
The nurses’ professional holiday is celebrated on the 12th of May – on Florence Nightingale’s birthday, one of the most outstanding British women who organized the first in the world sisters’ of mercy hospital during the Crimean War (1853 – 1856).
On the occasion of the professional festival there took the floor professor assistant Gaydukov V. A., a luminary of nursing. Vyacheslav Anatoliyevich greeted the audience and told about one of the most humane specialties on earth – that of a nurse, that combines extreme responsibility with high professional skills.
The event was held for the bachelor students of the 1st course, 3rd group at specialty “Nursung” thanks to the support of chief tutor Semenko S. B. and for the 2nd course, 2nd group students at specialty “Nursing” from the BSMU College in cooperation with tuitor Shinkura L. M. The perfopmance was prepared and made by Sophia Zaderey, Alina Shirenkova and Hanna Kiselitsa.
On the 4th of May there in the Students’ Reading Room of the BSMU Library took place an informational hour “Mother – a Great, Wonderful and Tender Word” devoted to Mother’s Day. Since early childhood to the last of one’s days everybody has had in his soul the only and unique image – that of Mum. During the event students expressed their deep gratitude to their mums for their extreme care, tolerance, love and devotion.
The attention was focused on the state’s respect of women who are raising children, that indicates the degree of culture and well-being in the country.
The event was held for the 1st course, 1-4 groups students at specialty “Nursing” owing to the support of chief tuitor Semenko S. B., the 2nd group students at specialty “Laboratory Diagnosis” and the 6th group students at specialty “Therapeutics”.
The performance was made by Sophia Zaderey, Alina Shirinkova-Biliychuk and Anna Kisilitsa.
On the 26th of April there in the Students’ Reading Room of the BSMU Library a performance “Mercy Has No Boundaries” was made for the 1st course, groups 3 and 4 students at specialty “Medical Treatment”, devoted to the Internatioanl Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, that is celebrated every year worldwide on the 8th of May.
Librarians Danilova M. O. and Polyakova T. V. aimed to tell the students interesting facts about the origin of this humanitarian movement, its activity during different periods of history and significance in the world of today. Special attention was drawn to the founder of the Red Cross movement Henri Dunant
A Minute of Silence in honour of those Red Cross and Red Crescent delegates, who perished doing missionary work, created the atmosphere of unity of those present.
The attendance of representatives from Chernivtsi Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society Viznyuk Natalia Vasilivna, deputy director of the Society, and Kirilyuk Olena Vasilivna, first aid trainer for people, contributed greatly to the significance and success of the event. The students were particularly interested in N. V. Viznyuk’s story about Chernivtsi Red Cross activity at large, which was accompanied by rich illustrative video material.
On the 28th of April there in the Students’ Reading Room of the BSMU Library the event “Mercy Knows No Bounds”, devoted to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, was held for the second time in English for foreign students of the1st course, groups 47 and 49 at specialty “Therapeutic Diseases”.
Polyakova T. V. presented interesting pages and landmarks from the Red Cress and Red Crescent history; Danilova M. O. accompanied them with proper illustrative video material and demonstrated chronics, which contributed greatly to the students’ enthusiasm for the narration and made the information significant and expressive. Special attention was drawn to the activity of the Indian and Ukrainian National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. The Minute of Silence to honour those Red Cross and Red Crescent delegates who perished doing humanitarian mission created the atmosphere of unity and solidarity of those present.
The Presentation “Mercy Knows No Bounds” was also successful thanks to lecturers Anistratenko A. V. and Rusnak Yu. M., who helped much to organize the meeting.

On the 19th of April, 2017 there in the Students’ Reading Room of the BSMU Library a scientific seminar “Study of vitally significant orientations of future psychologists” was held, devoted to the World Science Day.
On the 5th of April there in the Students’ Reading Room of BSMU Library the event devoted to the World Health Organization (WHO) was held for the second time for the 2nd course, 5th and 6th groups students at specialty “Stomatology”.
The aim of the performance was to introduce the WHO to the students, tell them about its history and current activities. The highlight was given to the fact that World Health Day is celebrated in honour of the WHO’s foundation on the 7th of April, 1948.
The WHO’s multifunctional and universal activities were presented accompanied by rich factual and expressive vidio materials. The WHO’s dissemination and popularization of its instructions, norms, standards, achievements of medical and overlapping sciences were confirmed by its numerous publications from the stock of BSMU Library. The students’ interest to the displays of the WHO’s books showed success of the performance, which was prepared and made by librarians Danilova M. O. and Polyakova T. V. and kindly organized by a lecturer from the Department of Psychology and Philosiphy Pavlyuk O. I.
On the 4th of April there in the Students’ Reading Room of BSMU Library an event was held devoted to the World Health Organization for the 1st course, group 42 and the 2nd course, groups 50 and 57 foreign students.
The aim of the event was to introduce the WHO to the students, tell about its functions and activities, which are vitally important in modern life. Special attention was paid to the fact that the date of World Health Day is timed in honour of the WHO’s foundation on the 7th of April, 1948.
The information about the WHO’s employment drew a special interest of future doctors.
The organizers of the performance (Polyakova T. V. and Danilova M. O.) tried to implement the WHO’s policy in the lifestyles of the young people by expressive factual and video materials concerning healthy habits.
Numerous WHO’s publications from the Library stock were displayed to the audience.
Lecturers from the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies Vilka L. Ya., Scripnik I. I., Tsurkan M. V., Anistratenko A. V., Nikiforuk T. Ya. helped to organize the event and contributed to its success greatly.
On the 22nd of March on the occasion of the World Poetry Day there in the Students’ Reading Room took place an opening day “Poetry Inspires High feelings”, aiming at the introduction of poetry by world-known masters of verse to students, showing them the role of poetry in everybody’s life and between cultures of different nationalities.
The librarians of BSMU Library spoke about the importance of the literary word, its powerful and vital force and specific ability to get into the secrets of a person’s heart.
The students recited willingly the poetry by T. Shevchenko, L. Ukrainka as well as by contemporary poets V. Simonenko, L. Kostenko, T. Severnyuk and other. The lyrics by O. Pushkin, M. Eminesky, V. Gyugo and D. Josef were recited in the original languages.

The highly poetical word inspired the audience to creative work and self-expression: thus, Liliya Guk and Taisiya Krasnova recited their own verses.

“The Righteous Bard’s Soul is as Fiery as a Candle” was called the hour of literature and art devoted to the commemoration of the Ukrainian Kobzar [Bard] T. G. Shevchenko, which took place on the 13th of March, 2017 in the Students’ Reading Room of BSMU Library in connection with “Shevchenko’s Days” in Ukraine.

The performance acquired an additional emotional coloring with the students from Musical School № 2 playing the bandura [a national folk musical string instrument] under the guidance of their teacher Guck O. P.

“The Ukrainian People’s Bard Taras Shevchenko”, an informational hour devoted to Shevchenko’s birthday, was held in the Students’ Reading Room of the BSMU Library, the revelation of the Ukrainian poet’s grandeur and undying glory of the unsurpassed master of the word being the aim of the event.

Literary publications display devoted to the great Kobzar [bard] appealed to the audience greatly.

The hour of information “Let’s Save Our Treasure – Mother Tongue” devoted to the Internatinal Day of the National Language was held in the Students’ Reading Room. The aim of the performance was to inform on the students of the International Day of the National Language foundation, the history of the Ukrainian language formation and its development as well as to rear up patriotic feelings, national pride of their mother tongue and respect for those, from whom we inherited this invaluable treasure.

The students were offered the opportunity to recite their favourite poetry, to recollect and complete some proverbs and answer the questions of the quiz “How Do We Know Our Mother Tongue?“

A holiday party “Love Makes the World Go Round“, devoted to the the All Beloved’s Day was held at the Reading Room for Students. The aim of the event was to develop students’ creative skills, their esthetic tastes, train them to respect one another, to be generous, cordial, eager to know each other better, to form friendly relations among the students and their appreciative attitude to themselves and to other people.

The students were especially eager to name the couples in love who have become famous due to their great unique feelings.

On the 14th of February the event was held for the second time for the 1st course students, groups 27, 28 at specialty “Medicine”, the dean of the Psychology and Philosophy Department Prof. Borisyuk A. S. being present.

On the 6th of December, 2016 in the Reading Room №1 there was held a discussion on the topic “The Role of Communication in a Pharmacist’s Work of the Chemist’s System”.
On the 30th of November, 2016 in the Library of the BSMU there took place a session of the Round Table according to the topic “HIV/AIDS Diagnosis. A Psychological Aspect” devoted to the International AIDS Day with the participation of the assistant professor from the Psychology and Philosophy Department M. P. Timofeyeva. The subject of “The Plaque of the XX-th and XXI-st centuries” was discussed by the first and second course students at specialty “Medical Psychology”.
On the 15th of November, 2016 the Hour of Patriotism dedicated to the Dignity and Liberty Day was held for the 1st course, 1st group students from BSMU College at specialty “Pharmacy”, supported by the tutor of the group Katerina Petrivna Kupchanko. “Heroes Never Die!”
Thanks to the creative endeavours of the librarians: Svitlana Tulevska (script writer), Masha Danilova (technical assistant), Natalia Zhuk, Oksana Bulanzhe, Lily Vinogradova and some students, who recited “the poetry of Maidan” – the purpose of the performance was achieved.
For the second time, the “Hour of Patriotic Feelings” was held for the second year students from faculty №4 at specialty”Pediatrics” for groups 1, 2, 3 and 5 on the 22nd of November, 2016.
For the third time, a meeting took place with the first year students at specialty “Pharmacy” from groups 5 and 6 on the 24th of November, 2016.
Besides informational measures within the framework of Open Access and annual lessons with bachelors at specialty “Nursing”, during that week studies were conductied with the participation of O. B. Kvasnitskaya, assistant professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Occupational Diseases, according to the following topics:
During these lessons the students acquired information concerning their abilities to find scientific medical literature (annals, articles, monographs, theses of conferences, patents etc.) either from open sources or those subscribed.
On the 26th of October, 2016 Alina Shirenkova-Biliychuk, manager of the informational and bibliographic library with a section of informational attendance, and Maria Danilova, a librarian from the collecting and processing library, took part in the seminar-practical studies “The Development of a Journal: from VAK to SCOPUS” (Kyiv).
On the 19th of October, 2016 at the BSMU Library there took place a discussion with the 2nd course students by specialty “Medical Psychology” on the topic of “Age and National Special Features”, which was devoted to the World Mental Health Day and prepared by Sophia Zaderey, the leading librarian from the information and bibliography library with the help of M. P. Timofeyeva, assistant professor, candidate of psychological sciences from Psychology and Philosophy Department.
Video and audio aids were used to reveal the essence of Zigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Melanie Klein character-forming theories to the students.There were also illuminated circumstances which mould national and personal dignity and patriotic sentiments of Ukrainians.
The event was held for students of Groups 1, 2, 5 and 6 by the leading librarian Sophia Zaderei supported by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Candidate of Chemical Sciences P.V.Prysyazhnyuk.
On September 12-13, 2016, a certification program for training specialists Thomson Reuters clients was held by Irina Tyhonkova and Daria Buhtoyarova at the National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, which was attended by Professor of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Perinatal Medicine Godovanets Julia Dmytrivna and the library colleagues Alina Shyryenkova and Masha Danilova.
The library staff told the participants about Hrushevsky as cultural, educational and social activist, about his role in the history of Ukraine and his significance today. BSMU freshmen of the specialty “Nursing” and “Pharmacy” and students of 2nd year specialty “Pharmacy” of BSMU College tool part at the event.
On September 15, 2016, the second event was held with 2nd year students of specialty “Pediatrics” (groups 2, 3 and 5) supported by Savchuk Tetjana Pavlivna and Antsupova Vita Vyacheslavivna.
On September 16, 2016 a second meeting was held with 2nd year students (groups 1 and 2) of specialty “Nursing” of BSMU College supported by Shynkura Larysa Mikhailivna and Bashtan Sofia Volodymyrivna.
Interest caused a portfolio of the official library web-site, presented in the presentation of “open library”. Participants had the opportunity to hear that our university is not only educational and scientific institution, but also unique people and great creative personalities, and poets are among them.
The verse of our graduate, Honoured Doctor of Ukraine, Lyudmyla S. Kryklyvets was recited that accurately answer the atmosphere of the event – “Happy moment to open the treasure of the human mind and soul …”.
The purpose of the dispute was to understand the features of communication capabilities of physicians to help students, future doctors, see themselves “with the eyes of patients”.
Within the Week of Science in Ukraine the seminar for graduate students and undergraduates of the University was held on May 23, 2016 at the electronic student reading room №1, presented by head of information-bibliographic department Shyryenkova-Biliychuk A.O.
The young scientists were given the guides on key points in the information search in that database. Leading librarian of the department Zaderei S.I. presented professional journals included in the list of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, in which results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate and Doctor of Medicine can be published.
On May 19-20 the leading librarian of BSMU library Valentina Hytyk took part in the scientific conference with international participation “Research Library in system integration and communication processes” organized by the scientific library of Lviv University named after I.Franko. She presented the report on the theme: “Interactive customer service as an important component of modern communication in university library.” Besides the representatives of Ukrainian libraries, the conference was attended by scientists of the department of library and information science (Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz and Wroclaw, Poland).
On May 17, 2016 as a part of Science Week, in conjunction with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Information Day that combined information to the “Day of Science in Ukraine” and on the “World Day of the Midwife” took place at the Library.
On May 17, 2016 at the Department of Pharmacology Information Day was held on the topic “Pharmacology: state, problems and prospects”.
With the help of Gordienko V.V., the assistant professor of physiology chair named after Ya.D. Kirshenblat, the 2nd year students (groups 3, 5, 13 of the Medical Faculty №1, group 28 of the Medical Faculty №2, group 1 of the Medical Faculty №4).collected and handed sweets to soldiers.
On April 25 at the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Infectious Diseases the leading librarian Hytyk V.I. organized the seminar on “Medical error: professional, legal and ethical aspects.” for pediatric students of the 5th and 6th courses.
The concept of medical error was defined, as to the differentiation between errors and other actions of doctors, classification of errors was given, analyzing their specificity from the perspective of medical ethics. Given the seriousness of the topic, much attention was paid to discussing the legal (criminal, civil and disciplinary) responsibility of doctors.
The collected literature was given to members of volunteer group «ARMSOS», which will deliver it to Stanichno-Luhanska secondary school №1 (Luhansk region).
Along with the books there would be delivered the heart-card filled with warm and sincere words for schoolchildren.
On March 24, 2016 the library held a meeting with the freshmen of the medical faculty №2, dedicated to the World Day of Poetry.
The second course student, group 46 Luxmi Chan from India has been declared “The Best Reader of 2015” among the students of the Therapeutic Faculty №3 for active work and study at the Reading Room for Foreign Students.
Library is a collection of books on various subjects. A library is a heaven to the student, a teacher and of course for all those who are fond of reading even it be only just for the sake of reading. This is a Place where one can get unlimited stocks of books on any and every subject that may be of interest or need for an individual. A library is the place where one can spend hours of time fruitfully and filled with interest. Hostel No 5 library is one place of absolute silence, concentration even though it is open for all the students. This is the magic that is a library hostel No 5 and all books are present in the library.
Our librarian Iryna Ivanivna is a good lady. She helps me providing with the books. She is present every time at the library. Reading is the best hobby we can develop and the best companion to spend time. A library is the ideal place and reading is the ideal pastime.
On 11 December 2015 the Library staff took part in the traditional Charity event “Save the Life” dedicated to the Day of St. Nicholas
Mothers of the children suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 4-year old Berdyuk Veronika and 10-year-old Mazuryak Mykola hospitalized to the department of cardiac oncohematology of the regional children’s hospital, Berdyuk Praskovia and Bilavyuk Iryna, got financial assistance in the amount of two thousand hryvnia.
Marchuk Angela whose son Bohdan is hospitalized to the neonatal intensive care unit, received financial assistance in the amount of one and a half thousand hryvnia
December 1, 2015 on World AIDS Day students were presented thematically-illustrated display of scientific and educational literature and periodicals on the topic: “Do not give AIDS a chance” in the lobby of the Theoretical building (Bohomolets st., 2)
On November 17, 2015 student debate was held in the electronic reading room №1. The event was attended by freshmen of groups 1, 2 and 3 of the dental faculty. The announced topic was “Dentistry is my profession “. Associate Professors of Social Sciences Shutak L.B., Navchuk G.V., and Tkach A.V. took part in the presentation.
The event was prepared and held by the leading librarian of bibliographic information department with information services sector Zaderei S.I.
On November 16, 2015 a round table devoted to the topic “Psychological Types of Doctors” took place at the electronic student reading room №1.
The event was prepared and held by the leading librarian and bibliographic information department with information services sector, Zaderei S.I. Periodicals, monographs, textbooks, methodological literature according to the topic were presented to the participants. Newsletter “Psychological Types of Doctors” was prepared and mailed to the Chair
By the World Diabetes Day on 11 November 2015, Information Day of Endocrinologist was held in the reading room of periodicals, manuscripts and catalogs.
Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the information sources that reveal the problem of modern endocrinology – diabetes disease; to analyze statistical reports of the disease and its causes; to find the electronic resources and databases in the world, as well as specialized periodicals.
A Day of expert neurologist devoted to the topic “Congenital abnormalities of the nervous system. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)” took place at the student reading room №1 on October 22, 2015. The event was attended by third-year students of medical college of BSMU (group 1) and college professor of neurology Kolesnik N.I.
The event was prepared and carried out by the head of information services sector, Zhuk N.R. and the leading librarian of the Information Department, Zaderei S.I.
On May 14 2015 the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Library values in the era of modern information technologies” started, which took place at the Library of Bukovinian State Medical University.
On May 15, 2015 scientific seminar “Institutional repositories as a means of integration of Ukrainian science in the global information space” was held in the electronic reading room 1 of the Library. The report “Institutional Repositories in Ukraine and the world” presented the Deputy Director General on information technology of NSML of Ukraine Oksana Bruy. On the formation, development and maintenance of a digital repository “Intelligent funds of BSMU” reported head of the department of BSMU Library Alina Shyryenkova-Biliychuk. A working group was formed to create on a platform server of Bukovinian State Medical University the full-text database of study literature.
The presentation devoted to the 140th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich, a world-known artist, scientist, philosopher, writer, traveler and peace-maker was held by the editor of foreign
literature Polyakova T.V. on the 7th of April, 2015 at the Reading-Room for foreign students at the 5th Hostel. Students from India attended the event of interest.

“This Library has always been my first home and family here. And the superiors in the library, Irina (second lefthand), played the role of head of this family. I thank the administration for wonderful facility.”Yati Sharma (1st Course)Hostel 5
The presentation devoted to the 140th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich, a world-known artist, scientist, philosopher, writer, traveler and peace-maker was held by the editor of foreign literature Polyakova T.V. on the 18th of December, 2014 at the Electronic Reference Room. 34 students from India attended the event of interest.
The presentation devoted to the 140th anniversary of Nicholas Roerich, a world-known artist, scientist, philosopher, writer, traveler and peace-maker was held by the editor of foreign literature Polyakova T.V. on the 9th of December, 2014 at the Reading-Room for foreign students at the 5th Hostel. 40 students from India attended the event of interest.
December, 9-13, 2013 a selling exhibition of the “MEDYCYNA” Publishing House is taking place at the lounge of the Theoretical Building of BSMU (Bohomolets str. 2).
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