Have you been to the university library?
What departments does it consist of? What is interesting in it?
The freshman, coming to the library on his own, as a rule, is lost, does not know where to go, who to contact with to ask a question. And if the library is presented to the student from the inside, then one feels much more confident!
For this purpose, the library staff of the Bukovinian State Medical University has prepared a tour for the foreign freshmen.
Students of the Medical Faculty No. 3, together with the group tutor, Assistant Professor of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics A.Kushniryk visited the reading room of periodicals, manuscripts and catalogues, the reading room of open-access scientific literature, the student reading rooms No. 1 and No. 2, and the reading room for faculty members.
The freshmen got acquainted with the library fund, its structural divisions, electronic information resources and services, such as: Virtual Reference Service, Electronic Catalogue, Electronic Library (Repository), the Library website.
They were presented the editions of reputable publishing houses, which are exhibited at the reading room of scientific literature and in the reading room for faculty members.
We are ready to further organize excursions for everyone!
Our highly qualified specialists are always ready to help students save time,
and perhaps, get a honors diploma in the future.