On the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on December 6, an information hour took place at the library of Bukovinian State Medical University, titled “Past and Present of the Ukrainian Army”
Ukraine had to follow a long and thorny path to the day of its independence. Many trials and tribulations fell on the Ukrainians in the struggle for freedom. And always in this struggle, a soldier walked alongside the citizen.
Library staff reminded those present about important periods in the creation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. About the bright page of the struggle for independence – the Cossack movement (middle of the 17 th century). The Cossacks became the force that for centuries has been closely guarding the freedom and dignity of Ukraine as an independent, sovereign state. About how, after a hundred-year break,
the Ukrainian army was reborn again. This time it was a small unit in the Austrian army – the legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (1914-1920). These were really difficult times for Ukraine – the First World War. On the one hand, Russia, on the other, Austria-Hungary, and Sich Riflemen fought for their Ukrainian state. About the military-political formation of the Ukrainian liberation movement, the
Ukrainian rebel army, founded in late 1942, whose strategic goal was the restoration of Ukrainian statehood. About the new historical page of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which began after the Revolution of Dignity. For 5 years, the Ukrainian army made an incredible breakthrough in development, turning from a demoralized armed formation into a combat-ready and motivated army.
Armor, weapons, military tactics and methods of forming troops changed. And the freedom-loving spirit, invincibility and the ability to sacrifice, which surprises the whole world, remained unchanged.
The event was held for the third-year students of (groups17-18) of the Faculty of Medicine No. 2 at the initiative of group curators, assistant of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, L.A.Andrushchak, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, I.G.Kyshkan.
The information hour was prepared and held by Svetlana Tulevska, Natalya Zhuk, Iryna Kukhlij.
.On the 27th of November, 2019, there in the reading hall of the BSMU Library an information hour took place which was devoted to the World AIDS Day.
The event was made in English for Indian students of the 1st course: groups 45 and 62 (Medical Faculty 3) and 2nd course: groups 50 (Medical Faculty 3) and 62 (Medical Faculty 4).
The aim of the information hour was to draw the students’ attention to AIDS, raise their awareness of this new plague of the 20th and 21st centuries and awaken their sense of compassion and support to the HIV-affected. The audience was informed about HIV/AIDS history, origin and occurence, mechanism and processes of human body destruction by the disease. Methods of AIDS prevention and anteretroviral therapy (ART) were specially emphasized.
The students showed particular interest to the information about occurence of AIDS in India where the population is significantly affected by the disease.
The young people were told about the contribution of the WHO, United Nations and UNICEF as well as celebrities and grassroots activists to the fight against AIDS and initiated to join numerous youth campaigns on World AIDS Day. Hand-made red ribbons, the symbol of solidarity with people living with AIDS/HIV, and brochures about AIDS transmission and methods of prevention were handed out to those present.
Modern educational technologies and means as well as books from the library were very helpful in the presentation of the scientific material.
The event was prepared and held by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Danilova M. O. and organized by assistant professor Vlasova K. V., assistants Karavan J. V. and Kushnirik O. V. from the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics.
The event was held for the second time for 2nd year students, groups 41 and 45 of Medical Faculty 3 under the guidance of the аssistants of the Kirshenblat Department of Physiology Agafonova O. V. and Kisilitsa S. O
On November 25 the movie presentation “Letters from the Maidan” took place at the Reading room of the BSMU library, devoted to the Day of Dignity and Freedom. The event was organized for the
sophomores (Groups 6 and 7) of specialty “Pharmacists. Master”, upon the initiative of the assistant of the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, N.V. Panasenko. In the context of this presentation the students had the opportunity to watch video shots taken over three months of the
Euromaidan intertwined with poetry of people who “survived” the Maidan and conveyed their emotions through written lines.
Svitlana Tulevska, the 1 st category librarian, told the present about the causes and consequences of the Revolution of Dignity.
The presentation was prepared by the 1 st category bibliographer Iryna Kukhlij.
In order to commemorate the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 – the genocide of the Ukrainian people and the mass famine of 1921-1923 and 1946- 1947, a number of events were held on November 22 at the library of BSMU.
Together with the 3 rd year students of the specialty “Pharmacy”, on the initiative of the college teacher Kropelnitska Yu.V., an hour of historical memory took place under the title “The Holodomor did not break”. Library staff talked about the terror of hunger, which lasted in Ukraine for 22 months, and was aimed at pacifying the Ukrainian peasantry. Students prepared information about Ukrainians, who were not conquered by hunger, who, despite the horrors of the genocide, wrote poetry in the following decades, created masterpieces of art, and fought for statehood.
Together with 1 st and 2 nd year of the Faculty of Pharmacy, on the initiative of the assistant of the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry N.V.Panasenko, the information hour “Fire of sorrow in the heart forever” was held. Those present honored the memory of people innocently tormented by hunger and political repression. Students and teachers recited poetic lines of A.Malyshko, B.Olijnyk, D.Bilous, N.Tryvaylo, L.Mandzyuk.
The tragic facts about the Holodomor, watching a fragment of the film “The Holodomor of 33 years”, a book exhibition left no one indifferent.
To the Day of Dignity and Freedom on November 20 2019, an hour of memory “Heroes are always among us” took place at the Reading room of the BSMU library.
November 21, Ukrainians commemorate the Day of Dignity and Freedom in order to pay tribute to the civil feat of the participants of the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity.
Library staff, Tulevska S.O., Zhuk N.R., Kukhlij I.V. together with the freshmen of Faculty of Medicine No. 1 (groups 2, 3, 7), on the initiative of group curators, associate professor of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics Kryvchanska M.I., assistants Voloshyn V.L., Tymchuk K.Yu., commemorated the anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity and in deep sorrow bowed their heads
low before the memory of the Heroes of Heavenly Hundred.
Successfully combining recitation of verses with multimedia accompaniment, those present recreated the chronology of events on the Maidan. Students soulfully read Maidan poetry, conveying its deep meaning. Performed by student Myroslava Stabryn, the song “Crying viburnum” by composer V. Domshansky sounded touching.
All this creates an extremely positive atmosphere during the reading of humoresques from the collection “My Autobiography”.
The event was prepared and conducted by the librarians Tulevska S.A., Kukhlij I.V. for the third-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy specialty “Pharmacy-Industrial Pharmacy” with the support of the assistant of the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Panimarchuk A.I.

On November 7, 2019, on the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Writig and Language, an art hour “Majestic, generous and beautiful language” took place at the reading room of the library of the Bukovinian State Medical University.
Librarians, Tulevska S.O., and Kukhlij I.V. let the students know interesting facts from the history of our writing, namely about the creators of the Slavic writing Cyril and Methodius. About the famous “Ostromir Gospel” (1056-1057), a masterpiece of Slavic and world culture, created in the grand prince scriptorium at the Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. They told about the famous “Peresopnytsia Gospel” (1551-1561), one of the symbols of the Ukrainian nation, on which the Presidents of Ukraine swear.
An interesting presentation helped to reveal the versatility of the writer, historian of Kievan Rus, the thinker, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Nestor the chronicler, whose worldwide fame was brought by his life’s work “The Tale of Bygone Years”, which was and remains an outstanding monument of Slavic culture.
Third-year pharmacy students under the guidance of the assistant of the department of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry Velyka A.Ya., and sophomores of the BSMU college under the guidance of a college teacher Kropelnitska Yu.V., prepared and recited poetic lines of famous poets about the Ukrainian language.
Students were also very willing to answer the Ukrainian language quiz and listened with interest to the statements of prominent and famous figures about the Ukrainian.

“Ukraine is a country of the unbowed”. Such a title was given (07.10.2019) to the literary and artistic hour dedicated to the Day of the Defender of Ukraine which took place at the Reading room No. 2 of the BSMU Library.
This event is an opportunity to look again at the pages of history and to recall the ancestral virtue, glory and achievements gained by those who defended Ukrainian freedom and independence. In their feats, we Ukrainians are reviving our dignity and national consciousness.
This is the basis of our victory over any enemies. Library staff told the audience about the most important Cossack battles, read facts
from the history of the Cossacks, and together with the students mentioned the famous Hetmans and Atamans.
The audience was also told about the heroic deed of today's Heroes who, without hesitation, accomplished a civil feat, who defended democratic values and national interests at the cost of their own lives.
The freshmen (1-4 groups) of the Pharmacy faculty with the assistance of the chief curator of the faculty Panasenko N.V. with enthusiasm took part in the event, reciting the poetic lines of the authors: V. Symonenko, B. Tsybulsky, Y. Yakovenko, S. Chaban, V. Nevidomska, G. Bircha.
The event was prepared and held by: Svitlana Tulevska, Natalia Zhuk, Masha Danilova.
On the 7th of October 2019 the information hour «India — the Land for Spirituality and Creative Work» dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Nickolai Roerich — was held in English for Indian students.
The audience was introduced to the life and creative work of Nickolai Roerich, an outstanding painter, scientist, philosopher, social activist and peace-maker, who spent half his life in India and contributed
greatly to the dissemination of knowledge about India, its ancient history, rich culture, different religions and multinational people.
A special attention was paid to the proposed by Nickolai Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace for the protection of the world cultural treasures in times both of peace and war. The students were told about Roerich’s wife Helena and sons George and Svyatoslav, who were a united creative team and made contribution to the world treasury of science and culture. The story was accompanied by the demonstration of numerous photos, canvases and videos that intensified the message making it more interesting, spectacular and impressive. Some books by Roerich and about him from the library stock were presented to the listeners.
The students showed a special interest to the story about the founder of theosophia Helena Blavatskaya, whose teaching shared both Nickolai and Helena Roerich and further developed it into Agni Yoga
(Ethics Alive). The basics of theosophie that influenced Roerich’s worldview and art were explained for understanding Roerich’s pictures. The story about the sacred place in the Himalayas — Shambala – was listened to with interest and enthusiasm.
The event was prepared and performed by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Kukhliy I. V. and organized thanks to the help of associate Professor of Biophysics Department of BSMU Klepikovski A. V.
The BSMU library took part in the BukFest regional exhibition-fair, which was held on September 26, 2019.
For visitors, a detailed exhibition of scientific publications of our university in various fields of medicine for 2019 was exhibited.
Visitors to the exhibition were interested in the portfolio of the BSMU library website.
In addition, the event participants had the opportunity to see that BSMU is not only training and science, but also unique people, creative personalities. The interactive stand “Poetry of students and graduates of BSMU” proved it.
On the occasion of the Pharmaceutical Worker Day in Ukraine, on September 19, 2019 an information hour “In Professional Terms – about Pharmacy and Pharmacists” was held at the BSMU library.
The library staff spoke about the duties, responsibilities, and professional skills of a pharmacist whose activities are inspired work in the name of preserving human health, prolonging life, and improving its quality
The audience was shown the movie “In the Temple of Pharmacy”, the history of the emergence and development of pharmacy.
Students enthusiastically listened to the story of non-pharmaceutical inventions, which owe their emergence to pharmacists.
The event was held for the freshmen of the 1st group (specialty “Pharmacy” of the BSMU College and sophomores of the 9th group (specialty “Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy”) with the support of a college teacher, Kupchanko K.P. and assistant of the Department of Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Panimarchuk A. I.
The event was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska, Dasha Devyatkina.
On the occasion of the Surgeon Professional Day (On September 19, 2019) the information hour “Voyno-Yasenetsky V.F., professor, doctor, archbishop”.
The participants were told about the outstanding surgeon, author of scientific works, doctor of medical sciences, professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky, who is also known and respected in the world as Archbishop Luke, spiritual writer, doctor of theology, who was canonized by the Orthodox Church (2000).
The students’ attention was drawn to the devotion of the War of Yasenetsky to the medical business, medical duty, sacrificial service to God and neighbor. The life of a doctor and a saint was presented as a clear example of a harmonious combination of science and religion, faith in miracles and scientific progress, as a high example of the medical profession.
Videos, photographs and books from the library collection were shown to the present.
The information hour was prepared and held by Polyakova T.V. and Kukhlij I.V. The event was intended for 3rd year students of groups 7–8 (Faculty of Medicine No. 1) with the support of associate professors of the Department of Pharmacology Kopchuk T.G., Petryuk A.E
“The inscrutible world of Dovzhenko” (on the 125 th anniversary of Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko), under that very name, an information hour took place as part of Ukrainian Cinema Day at the library of BSMU, on September 13, 2019.
The fate and work of Dovzhenko, a world famous artist, is an example of great asceticism, continuous thinking, insights and doubt. He probably didn’t doubt only one thing: his love for Ukraine. There are 14 films, 15 literary scripts and film novels in his artistic legacy. And at the World Exhibition in Brussels in 1958, film experts called Alexander Dovzhenko’s “Earth” one of the best movies ever.
Students have got acquainted with the life and artistic journey of the classic of world cinema. The audience has listened to the excerpts from the works, demonstrated fragments of film novels “Earth”, “Enchanted Desna”, “Ukraine on Fire”. A successful presentation helped to reveal the deep inner meaning of the great artist,
without leaving anyone indifferent.
The event was held for the sophomores of the 3 rd , 5 th and 8 th groups, Pharmacy Department, with the assistance of the chief tutor, N. Panasenko.
The information hour was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska and Iryna Shunderyuk.
On 27 May, 2019 in the Reading Room of the BSMU Library an information hour: “Tobacco Smoking in the History of Mankind: Medicine versus Smokin” was held for English-speaking students from 2nd course, groups 53, 54, 66 and 69 of Medical Faculty №3, devoted to the World No Tobacco Day, which is celebrated aroud the world annually on 31 May.
A short excursion into the origin and history of smoking in general and in India in particular was made. Special attention was paid to the negative effects of smoking on human health and common diseases caused by nicotine and second-hand smoking.
The students showed great interest in the information which concerned the state of smoking affairs in India, where the problem is really topical and sharp, as smokers in the country account for 12 % of the total number of smoking population in the world. The students were given numerous recommendations and introduced to methods which help to get rid of this harmful habit endangering their health and life; they were also told about different national ways of celebrating World No Tobacco Day.
Multimedia tools were widely used in the presentation; an exhibition of books on the subject of healthy lifestyle from the library collections was also introduced to the audience.
The presentation was prepared and made by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Danilova M. O. and organized thanks to the help of associate professors of the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies Anistratenko A. V. and Rusnak Yu. M. and senior lecturer Vilka L. Ya.
On May 23, 2019, at the reading room of open access, Khytyk Valentyna, the head of the Department of acquisition and scientific processing of documents with the cataloging sector held a scientific and practical seminar on the theme “National information and publishing standards in the drawing up printed and electronic publications”.
The staff of the BSMU departments were shown abbreviates from the Law of Ukraine “On Publishing” and the Law of Ukraine “On Standardization”, according to which publications must necessarily meet the requirements of national standards and other regulatory documents on publishing, printing and technical execution.
The concept of printed and electronic edition, their types and criteria of definition were considered. Those present had the opportunity to learn all the national standards currently in force in Ukraine that regulate the design of books for educational, scientific and other publications.
Participants noted the importance of the topic, asked questions, told about their own experiences.
The prepared methodical and practical materials on the topic of the event in electronic form were presented to all the departments of the university.
On May 16-17, 2019, the BSMU Library took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Medical Libraries of Ukraine in the Globalized World of Science, Education and Culture”, held on the basis of the scientific library of the Lviv Danylo Halytsky National Medical University. Two reports were presented: V. Tsymbal, Director of the Library, “Library support for a scientist: active transformation in accordance with the requirements of the time” and the head of the department of acquisition and scientific processing of documents with the cataloging sector Khytyk V.I. “World Information Resource EBSCO for users of medical libraries of Ukraine: educational and scientific potential”.
At the plenary session, Khytyk Valentyna joined the discussion of problematic issues by representatives of medical libraries with the assistant to the Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine, Artemenko Viktor.
Also she took part in the scientific-practical seminar “Advocacy of medical libraries of Ukraine in the context of decentralization and medical reform” and a meeting of the Section of Medical Libraries of the Ukrainian Library Association.
At the master class “Library as a resource for the successful passing of the International Exam in the Basics of Medicine. Experience sharing in the format of preparation for the Unified State Qualification Exam”, which was held by Vilibri LLC, Valentina Khytyk told about the organization of students’ work with the USMLE trial testing program at the Bukovinian State Medical University, and also raised the issue of the program, which consists of international examinations in the
basics of medicine, for the successful preparation of students in Ukrainian medical schools. A representative of Vilibri LLC reported that the process of preparing such books with international partners has already begun.
“Science in the retrospect of history”
As part of the events to the Day of Science in Ukraine, on May 17, 2019 at the open access reading, a presentation of scientific rare editions of the XVIII-XIX centuries from the “The Classics of Medicine Library” series was held.
In order to disclose the content and value of the aforementioned series, the library staff Svitlana Tulevska and Masha Danilova provided up-to-date supporting information about the authors, illustrators, and the origin of each book.
Visitors of the event got acquainted with the fundamental works of Andreas Vesalius, Edward Jenner, William Harvey, Thomas Eddison and many other world-famous scientists.
The presentation was attended by researchers and students of the departments of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, pathological physiology, therapeutic dentistry, physiology named after Ya. D. Kirshenblat, who, in memory of the meeting, were given booklets with a brief reference to the collection of facsimile editions of The Classics of Medicine Library and a link to the library’s website page, where the full list of books from this collection is posted
http://medlib.bsmu .edu.ua/fondy-biblioteky/fond-ridkisnyh-vydan/the-classics-of-medicine-library/
On the day of science in Ukraine, May 16, 2019, the Information hour “Outstanding scientists of the Bukovinian State Medical University and their contribution to the development of medicine” took place at the library.
Library staff described to the students the bright life events and scientific developments of professors Samson A.I., Mankovsky M.B., Elberg V.A., Savenko S.N., Radzikhovsky B.L., Lovlya D.S., Kirshenblat Ya.D. In particular, that the scientific basics of coronary heart disease treatment and its acute manifestation, myocardial infarction, were laid out by prominent clinicians under the guidance of the head of the department of faculty therapy Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Elberg in the mid-forties of the twentieth century, that the head of the department of eye diseases Radzikhovsky Borys Leonidovych designed an apparatus for the treatment of trachoma, blepharostat, algometer, binocular head lens, bone trepan, and many other instruments and tools, about other prominent achievements of the Bukovinian scientists.
On the extraordinary scientific achievements of Kirshenblat Yakov Davydovich a report was read by a student Sofia Pushenko (the head is an assistant professor of the physiology department named after Ya.D.Kirshenblat, Gordienko V.V.)
The information hour was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska, Natalya Pozhydaeva, Iryna Shunderyuk with the participation of Natalya Zhuk.
The Day of Science in Ukraine on May 16, 2019 was marked at the library of the Bukovinian State Medical University. For sophomores of 1, 2, 3 groups, specialty “Pharmacy”, an informational hour “Achievements of chemical scientists, pharmacologists in the pharmaceutical industry” was held
The library staff told about outstanding scientists who in different years headed the department of pharmacology. This is Stepan Petrovych Zakryvydoroga, the founder of the Department of Pharmacology of our university, MD in chemistry; Member of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Ukraine, pharmacologist, MD Pisko Grygory Tymofijovych; Honored Scientist of Ukraine, MD, Professor Ivanov Yuri Ivanovych.
The College Lecturer Kropelnytska Yu.V. acquainted those present with the biography and scientific heritage of Valentyna Denisenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry, and Stadniychuk R.F., Assistant Professor of the Department. The interest of students was aroused by a story about aetonium, a preparation that appeared due to the scientific heritage of the chemist Denisenko V.P. and pharmacologist Pisco G.T. under the leadership and participation of Zakryvydoroga S.P., it was due to their perseverance, enthusiasm that aetonium was recognized and officially approved.
The information hour was prepared and conducted by Svitlana Tulevska, Natalia Pozhydaeva, Dasha Devyatkina.
On May 7, 2019, an informational hour “Mercy Without Borders” devoted to the World Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, which is worldwide celebrated annually on May 8.
The event took place at the Reading room of BSMU library aiming at informing students about the International Movement of the RC and RCr, on the protection of lives, health and dignity of people during armed conflicts and natural disasters. Special attention was paid to the personality of the founder of the Movement of RC and RCr Henry Dyunan, the world’s first winner of the Nobel Peace Prize , his supporters and followers, whose efforts made for the adoption of
the four Geneva Conventions, protecting the wounded, doctors, medical staff in emergency situations.
A minute of silence was given to the memory of the delegates of the Red Cross and Red Crescent who died, performing their humanitarian mission. Particular interest has been shown by students regarding the
information on the possibility of working in the ranks of the International Movement of RC and RCr on the acquired medical specialties.
The story of the lecturer took place with multimedia support. The event was attended by students of the faculty “Pharmacy” group 2 guided by the associate professor of the Department of Physiology V.V. Gordienko and assistant of this Department, T.P.Savchuk.
The second presentation took place in English for the freshmen of Medical Department 3, groups 50 and 52 with the support of the staff of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, Kushnirik O.V., Vlasova K.V., Karavan Yu.G.
The presentation was prepared and conducted by the library staff Polyakova T.V. and Danilova M.O.
.“Foreign scientific editions: a useful bookmark”
to the Day of Science in Ukraine As part of the activities to the Day of Science in Ukraine, an overview of the books edited by reputable world publishing houses was held on April 19 2019, at the reading
room of open access scientific literature.
The highlight exhibition was attended by the staff of the departments of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, pediatrics and child infectious diseases, pharmacology, physiology after J. D. Kirenschblat.
The participants were presented with foreign books in various fields of medicine that the university purchased to improve academic and professional performance.
In addition, the focus was on ExpertCONSULT and StudentCONSULT web applications that provide:
– Online access to electronic versions of submitted books
– Convenient search and navigation
– Video and photo content
– Social functions and text work: notes and comments.
The review of book editions and software tools that accompany them was made by the library staff, Svetlana Tulievska and Masha Danilova.
Read only the best books – achieve high results in education and science!
Invaluable Treasures of the Native Culture
To the Day of Historical and Cultural Monuments, on April 18 2019, at the BSMU Library, a video tour of Chernivtsi “Invaluable Treasures of the Native Culture”was held.
The staff of the library conducted the event under the headings: “Architectural pearls of Chernivtsi”, “Churches and cathedrals of Bukovina”, “Chernivtsi is a city of tolerance”, “Chernivtsi literary”, “Chernivtsi musical”.
The participants were motivated to remind the architectural achievements of our ancestors, to creative personalities that glorified our land, to visit museums, theaters, concerts, excursions.
Video tour took place for the freshmen of 3 rd and 4 th groups of the college of BSMU (specialty “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy”) under the guidance of the assistants of the Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Pharmacognosy Yezhned M.А. and Kostyshyn L.V.
The event was prepared and held by Svetlana Tulievska, Natalia Zhuk, Masha Danilova.
On April 17 2019, celebrating All-Ukrainian Psychologist Day, I category librarian Svetlana Tulevska with the 3 rd year students (specialty “Medical Psychology”) under the supervision of the assistant professor of the Department of Psychology and Philosophy, Maryna Timofieva, prepared a round table “Psychology of serviceman’s personality”.
Maryna Timofeeva held a mini-lecture in which the features of the psychology, moral and skills of the soldier, psychology of activity in extraordinary conditions; problems of social and psychological adaptation of the military men who returned from the zone of combat operations were highlighted.
Svitlana Tulevskay spoke about the importance of psychologists in the army and their role during hostilities. The participants reviewed the periodicals and presented articles on the theme of the event. Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the most up-to-date research on the specifics of the psychology of military personnel, statistical data on the directions of the activity of the military psychologist, and received bulletins with a list of literature on the subject.
Students prepared and read reports on this topic. Participants of the round table showed interest, asked questions and talked about unique experience of the Ukrainian soldiers.
An informational hour for sophomores (group 1) of the specialty “Pharmacy” under the guidance of the group’s curator, A.V. Velyka, and the chief curator of the faculty, N.V. Panasenko, entitled “Health is the value of our life”, took place 08.04.2019 on the World Health Day at the Library of the Bukovinian State Medical University.
Students were told that the memorable date is timed to the day the World Health Organization was established. This date is celebrated by more than 190 countries of the world. The global idea of the event is to promote a healthy lifestyle and combat the spread of various diseases.
Library staff Svitlana Tulevska, Masha Danilova told about the increase in Ukraine of such negative phenomena as alcohol consumption, smoking, and the spread of drug addiction.
Those present were called upon to lead a healthy lifestyle and noted that taking care of one’s health should not be a problem, it should become a way of life.
To the World Day of Nephrologist, the staff of the reading room of periodicals, manuscripts and catalogs together with the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases 28.03.2019 hosted a specialist day – “Nephrology at the Turn of the Centuries”.
The specialist day took place for the 1-2 year interns (specialty “Internal diseases”) of the department of internal medicine and infectious diseases, with the participation of scientists of this department: professors – Zub L.O, associate professors – Garazdyuk I.V, Kulachok V.T., Bezruk T.O., assistant – Shkarutyak A.Ye.
The staff of the library told about nephrology as a branch of medicine, the outstanding founders of domestic nephrology. They made a review of the literature on topics proposed by the staff of the department. An emphasis was placed on books on the subject edited by Elsevier publishing house.
They offered advice on the search for literature in the electronic databases WEB IRBIS and Liber Media. All the attendees received newsletters with a list of recommended literature on these topics. Of particular interest were the electronic library services, which are offered on the official site.
Professor Zub L.O. told about the kidneys – the most powerful natural filter of our organism, without which it is impossible to lead a full and active lifestyle, and associate professor Garazdiuk I.V. told the attendees about the professional competence of the nephrologist.
The event was prepared and held by Natalia Zhuk, Orysya Lyashenko, Natalia Pozhydayeva, Svitlana Tulevska, Iryna Shunderiuk.
Literary and artistic hour “Poetry is a music of words” was held on the World Poetry Day at the library of the BSMU (21.03.2019).
The Day of Poetry is a holiday of feel for the word and the perfect ability to express unspeakable in a few words. Annually, on March 21 , UNESCO celebrates World Poetry Day. There is no doubt that poetry plays one of the leading roles in the personal spiritual enrichment.
The library staff told students about the most famous poets of the world – poetry that inspires, exalts, pushes for feats.
Teachers and sophomores of the Medical Faculty No. 2 under the supervision of the Professor Andrushchak L.A. (Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology), together with the sophomores of BSMU College (specialty “Pharmacy”) under the tuition of Kropelnitskaya Yu.V. enthusiastically recited classical verses and poetry of contemporary authors.
Students from India, supported by the curator of the group, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Kulachbek V.T., recited poetry in Hindi and English. So the third year student (Gr. 63, Medical Faculty No. 3) Suraj Jat and the 4 th year students (Gr. 57, Medical Faculty No. 3), Mitten Patel, Mario Cavalho read patriotic poetry, student Solony Shah rehearsed lyrics, and Sonia Dalani read her own poetry.
To crown the event the Indian students presented patriotic songs in Hindi. Literary and artistic hour was prepared and held by: Svitlana Tulevska, Masha Danilova, Natalia Zhuk.
A literary and artistic presentation “We are united by Taras’s word” devoted to the birthday of T. Shevchenko, took place at the Library of BSMU on March 12, 2019.
It has been 205 years since Taras Shevchenko’s birth, but today his word is alive between us. Evidence of this was the expressive recitation of favorite poetic lines by sophomores of the 1st group (supervisor, professor of the department of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry Velyka A.Ya., the chief curator of the faculty Panasenko N.V.)
1 category librarian Tulevska S.O. recalled the milestones in the biography of the great Kobzar and told about the invaluable contribution of Taras Shevchenko to the birth and development of Ukrainian culture, language, our statehood.
A keen interest among students was caused by viewing of T. Shevchenko paintings, because, as an artist, he occupies one of the most honorable places in Ukrainian fine art.
On the 70th anniversary of Volodymyr Ivasyuk, a composer and poet, singer and artist, violinist and pianist, arranger and conductor, public figure and physician, founder of Ukrainian pop music, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after T. Shevchenko, Hero of Ukraine, the literary-musical composition “Life is like a song that never stops ringing” took place at the library of the Bukovinian State Medical University for sophomores of 2, 3 groups (specialty “Pharmacy”) under the guidance of teachers of the Department of medical and pharmaceutical chemistry, Yu.V. Kropilnytska and M.M.Barus.
The guests of the event were shown a video with songs by Ivasyuk, namely: “Chervona Ruta”, “My Sweetheart”, “Vodogray”, “Ballad of Two Violins”, “Every Destiny has its Spring”, which were performed by: S. Rotaru, V. Zinkevich, N. Yaremchuk, R. Koltsa, “Smerichka” under the leadership of Levko Dutkivsky and the author himself. A great impression on everyone was made by the video recording of the song contest “Song of the Year-71”, where the song “Chervona Ruta” won and began to confidently walk around the world.
The participants were told about the life and creativeness of the famous composer. Over 30 years of life Ivasyuk created 107 songs, 53 instrumental works. Professional physician Ivasyuk played the violin, piano, cello, guitar, perfectly performed his own songs.
Students and teachers prepared and earnestly recited poetry of V.Ivasyuk, G. Tarasyuk, T. Severnyuk, P. Soroka. Fragments from the book “Monologue in the Face of My Son” by Mikhajlo Ivasyuk were also read.
The event was prepared and conducted by Svetlana Tulevska, Natalya Zhuk with participation of Masha Danilova
The staff of BSMU library took part in a scientific and practical seminar with international participation “The scientific object that constitutes the national heritage of Ukraine: state, use, storage, prospects”, which took place on February 22, 2019, at the Y.Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University.
A leading librarian Danilova M.O. presented her report “The Classics of Medicine Library” in the collection of the Bukovinian State Medical University” exhibiting the edition of this book series, dated 18th-beginning of the IX century, illustrated, artistically decorated, and devoted to the history of medicine; clinical, preventive, public, military medicine; pediatrics and medical psychology; the language of the text is English and Latin.
The seminar program also included the official opening of the photo-exhibition about the Czech President Tomasz Garrig Mazaric, attended by the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Lviv Pavel Peshek and the Consul of Romania in Chernivtsi, Edmond Neagoy.
“Native Language is Your Treasure”
Each year on February 21, the world celebrates International Day of the native language.
Language is the history of the people, its outlook, intellectual and spiritual result of several thousand years of evolution of each ethnic group. There is no nation without language, without its original culture.
On this occasion, a literary composition “Native Language is Your Treasure” took place at the reading room of the BSMU library, on February 21, 2019.
Students learned about the history of this prominent day, the development of the Ukrainian language and the thorny path that has been undergone in its development.
Particular attention was paid to the pioneer of modern Ukrainian literary language, Ivan Kotlyarevsky and the founder Taras Shevchenko.
The attendees had an opportunity to answer quiz questions, namely to show their knowledge of the Ukrainian language and to continue proverbs.
Students of the Medical Faculties 1 and 4 under the supervision of the assistants of the Department of Social Sciences and Ukrainian Studies – Shutak L.B., Navchuk G.V., Tkach A.V. prepared and read poetic lines of M. Rilsky, A. Malyshko, V. Didenko, Y.Kosinskaya, D.Bilous.
The event was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska, Natalia Zhuk, Masha Danilova.
“The Winter That Changed Us“
On the Day of the Heroes of Heavenly Hundred, February 19, an hour of patriotism “The Winter That Changed Us” took place at the reading room of the BSMU library.
The library staff, Svitlana Tulevska, Masha Danilova, Natalia Zhuk told the sophomores of groups 1, 2, and 3 of specialty “Pharmacy” (tutor Velyka A.V., chief curator Panasenko N.V.) about the crackdown of EuroMaydan, which was marked by a brutal beating of people, about the final and most dramatic stage of the revolution, tragic events in Kiev on February 18-20, during which more than a hundred of the best sons and daughters of our country died.
Particular attention was paid to our compatriots, Alexander Shcherbanyuk and Vasyl Aksenin who were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.
Students Y. Vatamankuk, Chevyak I., Prokopyuk Y., Demyanyuk D. prepared and recited poetic lines of the authors of the Maidan dedicated to the memory of the Heroes of Heavenly Hundred.
Love Moves the World
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