Every year on December 1, as decided by WHO and the UN General Assembly, World AIDS Day is marked to raise awareness about the AIDS epidemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. This day is an opportunity to reflect on how to prevent the spread of the disease and to mention the importance of its timely detection. It is also a day to remember the victims of the disease.
On the occasion of this event the library staff at the initiative of Associate Professor of Histology, Cytology and Embryology Natalia Pentelejchuk and assistant of the department Lyudmyla Andruschak held an information hour “The one warned is protected” for first- and second-year students of Medical Faculty № 2.
Svitlana Tulevska and Iryna Kukhliy prepared a presentation, during which they told the history of the disease, ways of HIV transmission, examined the symptoms that require HIV testing and statistics of the spread of infection in Ukraine and around the world, told about famous personalities who have lived or are living with the disease, called for tolerant attitude toward people living with HIV, drawn attention to the UNAIDS activities in Ukraine.
Ludmyla Andruschak told the audience about the damage of the immune system by HIV infection, which leads to its slow destruction. The students had an opportunity to learn about the structure of the HIV virion, stages of virion formation and the difference between HIV1 and HIV2 and their influence on the human body.
The attendees were told that awareness of HIV prevention and a healthy lifestyle are the best methods of preventing AIDS.
On the eve of World AIDS Day on November 30, 2021, an online event «Together we will stop AIDS» was held in the library of BSMU for students Medical Faculty №3 by library staff.
The purpose of the event was to draw the attention of students to the second pandemic disease after covid-19, the history of HIV and AIDS, the extent of their spread and the achievements of medical science in the fight against AIDS. The presentation of the topic was accompanied by the latest statistical data and extensive illustrative material. Examples were given of celebrities – artists, singers, writers, athletes – who have become victims of AIDS and those who live with this disease thanks to supportive antiretroviral therapy, which has become an achievement of medicine. Special attention of the students was paid to the ways of infection with AIDS and methods of protection against it.
Students listened with interest to information about the celebration of World AIDS Day in different countries. The audience’s attention was also drawn to world organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, and others who are the organizers and sponsors of the World Aids Day. There were also examples of famous contemporaries who physically and financially support campaigns to combat this disease.
The event was prepared and conducted by librarians Polyakova T. V.and Devyatkina D. O. thanks to the initiative and organization of BSMU teachers Kushnirik O. V., Garvasyuk O. V. and the support of curators Stegnitska L. V. and Solovey V. M.
An information hour “In memory of the victims of the Holodomor” was held at the BSMU library on the occasion of the Holodomor Remembrance Day.
Ukrainians commemorate the millions of victims of the Holodomor that took place in Ukraine in the 20th century.
It’s a terrible tragedy of the Ukrainian people, and we pass this memory on to the next generation. On this day, the Ukrainian people pay tribute to the memory of the innocent victims of the horrific genocide committed against them by their enemies in the last century.
Library staff Svitlana Tulevska and Iryna Kukhliy showed 3rd-year students of the BSMU professional college under the guidance of college teacher Kateryna Kupchanko a multimedia presentation, which revealed the causes and consequences of the Holodomor: 1921-1923, 1932-1933 and 1946-1947. A terrible event in the history of human civilization was the famine of 1932-1933, which was anti-Ukrainian and proved to be a terrible weapon of social enslavement of the peasantry. Emphasis was placed on the fact that the Holodomor of 1932-1933 was not an accidental phenomenon of natural or social origin, but a consequence of the terror of famine, deliberately used by the totalitarian government.
The Holodomor became the greatest tragedy in the history of the Ukrainian people. In scale, cruelty, cynicism, it had no analogues in human history. The whole world, present and future generations should know about it.
Students Bohdan Babiy and Yulia Shabelnikova read poetic lines by B. Oliynyk and D. Bilous (survived the Holodomor), which touched the deep strings of our hearts.
We remember !!!
For the Day of Dignity and Freedom an hour of patriotism “Euromaidan: how dignity won” was held at the library of BSMU.
Tragic events in Ukraine, (November 2013 – February 2014), disturb and do not leave indifferent any citizen of the country. On November 21, 2013 Ukrainian civil society protests began. People began to spontaneously come out to the central squares of their cities. It was a reaction to the government’s decision to cancel preparations for the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. In three months, Ukraine had lived through an entire historical epoch…
Library staff Svetlana Tulevska, Natalya Zhuk, Iryna Kukhliy, and Dina Pislar prepared a multimedia presentation during which they revealed the causes and consequences of the Revolution of Dignity. Freshmen and sophomores of the Medical Faculty № 2 at the initiative of Associate Professor of Histology, Cytology and Embryology Department Natalia Penteleuchuk and assistant of the department Liudmila Andruschak prepared and soulfully recited poets of Maidan.
Thanks to the event, those present were able to go through the stages of the Revolution of Dignity and understand what the participants of Euromaidan fought for and what the Heavenly Hundred sacrificed their lives for, and that these sacrifices were not in vain, while the tragic events (November 2013-February 2014) showed the world that the highest goal for the Ukrainian people was to preserve human values and the foundations of democracy.

Annually on the 29th of October the mankind marks the World day of psoriasis. The importance of psoriasis is determined by its considerable spread (2%-5% of people in different countries), and also by clinical peculiarities of the disease – widespread skin rash, frequent involvement of joints and internal organs in pathological process, tendency to chronic recurrent course of dermatosis, which generally decrease working ability and social activity of patients.
An on-line regional conference with participation of the dermatovenereology department and library of Bukovinian State Medical University was held.
At the beginning of the conference, the chairman of the Chernivtsi regional branch of the Ukrainian Association of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists, the general director of the Chernivtsi Regional Dermatovenerological Dispensary Victoria BOYKO, noted the relevance of the problem of psoriasis, the increase in the incidence of psoriasis severe clinical course of dermatosis.
A lecture on “Psoriasis. Modern data on etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, principles of treatment” was delivered by Olga Denisenko, professor, head of the department of dermatovenereology of Bukovinian State Medical University, who highlighted modern data on causes and mechanisms of psoriasis development, modern peculiarities of clinical course of dermatosis and spoke about the approaches to dermatosis treatment, presented clinical cases of patients with psoriasis with consideration of tactics concerning their diagnostics and treatment.
The employees of Scientific-Medical Library of Bukovinian State Medical University – Natalia Pozhydaeva, Svetlana Tulevska, Iryna Kukhliy also joined the conference and prepared and presented a review of professional literature on the topic Modern views on etiopathogenesis, treatment and prevention of psoriasis. Immunobiological therapy. Publications of Ukrainian scientists and practitioners, published in professional periodicals, devoted to the results of modern studies of etiopathogenesis and psoriasis treatment optimization, were presented during the show.
While discussing the reports, practitioners and speakers also considered the tactics of psoriasis patients management in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic, cooperation with family physicians and emphasized the relevance of the preventive measures for psoriasis patients.
On the eve of the Defenders and Defendersses of Ukraine Day, celebrated annually on October 14, the day of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin Mary together with the Day of the Ukrainian Cossacks, the freshmen of group 8 (Medical Faculty № 2), on the initiative of curators Ludmila Andruschak and Natalia Panteleichuk took part in the information hour “Khotyn victory of the Ukrainian Cossacks” (to the 400th anniversary of the Battle of Khotyn) online.
The most famous and the most important historical event that took place near Khotyn in the XVII century was the war of 1621 between the Turks and the Poles, who owned a huge territory of Ukraine and in which the decisive role was played by the Ukrainian Zaporozhye Cossacks headed by Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sagaidachny.
During the event students were told how three large armies had met on the battlefield: on the one hand, almost 200,000 troops of the Ottoman Empire, on the other hand, about 32,000 troops of Poland and Lithuania, and soon almost 45,000 Zaporozhye troops of Petro Sagaidachny came. The battle of Khotyn lasted for four weeks and became a turning point in history. It has astonished contemporaries by the number of troops participated, the scale of military operations and their consequences. The Turks ceased to be an object of irresistible horror for many peoples of Europe and Asia. The victory at Khotyn saved Western Europe from an invasion by the Janissaries and made the Cossacks and their hetman Petro Sagaidachny famous.
In addition, Konashevych managed to restore the status of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine and the Kiev metropolitanate. The king and the magnates actually recognized the equality of the Ukrainians within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth along with the Poles and Lithuanians.
These were the victories of Petro Sagaidachny, which made him a phenomenal hetman, a patriot and a great defender of his people, one of those bright figures that will forever remain in people’s memory.
The event was prepared and held by the 1st category librarian Svitlana Tulevska.
On the 12th of October, 2021, the informative hour «Love Your Eyes!» dedicated to World Sight Day was held online for the 3rd — 5th year students of Medical Faculty №3 by the workers of the BSMU Library.
The audience was presented with the history of World Sight Day, some information about its initiators William Perry Woods, Melvin Jones and Sir John Wilson, World Health Organization, the International Agency for Prevention of Blindness and financial supporters such as World Council of Optometry, Novartis, Seva, Bayer, One Sight, Foundation for Blind Children and numerous nongovernmental organizations.
Special attention was drawn to the causes of sight impairment, its prevalence, socioeconomic background of poor eye health and prevention of eye diseases. The progress of medical science concerning treatment of sight disorders and the importance of regular eye exams were emphasized.
The examples of World Sight Day celebrations in different countries of Europe, North America, India and Australia were demonstrated with illustrative material and statistical data.
In conclusion, the students were given recommendations on how to maintain good eyesight. The audience was encouraged to support and join the global celebrations of the Day.
The event was prepared and made by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Devyatkina D. O. thanks to the initiative and organization by Chief Curator of Medical Faculty №3 Garvasyuk O. V., Deputy Chief Curator of Medical Faculty №3 Kushnirik O. V. and curator Kovpak A. V.
During the meeting, the veterans emotionally told the students about their participation in the war and how they found themselves in the ATO zone and changed their worldview for life. The military returned to the memories that influenced the future course of their lives, which were the most horrifying during the war.
With pain in the heart they recalled the dead and wounded, the lack of necessary equipment and the total chaos in which people paid with their own lives. They shared their thoughts about the war and urged people not to be indifferent and to understand the significance and pricelessness of the feat that military men perform daily in the war zone.
The invited guests spoke about the rehabilitation of ATO veterans, the importance of soldiers adapting to life in a peaceful environment after completing their tour of duty.
Oleg Anatolievich noted that one of the most important traits of a medic during military operations is the ability to make courageous decisions independently.
Pharmacy students were mostly interested in the life of the soldiers themselves in the combat zone, their thoughts on what the situation is now in the state and when the deaths and war will be over.
Moment of silence honored the immortal memory of the fallen heroes.
Technical support by Iryna Kukhliy.
To commemorate the victims of Babyn Yar, an information hour “The tragedy of Babyn Yar” was held at the library of BSMU.
During the event the students were told that 80 years ago – on September 29-30, 1941 – the Nazis began massacring Jewish population of Kiev in Babyn Yar tract. This tragedy became a worldwide symbol of Holocaust. The extermination of the Jews was the beginning of other mass murders. Further in Babyn Yar for two years people of different ethnic origin and age, the mentally ill, undergrounders, prisoners and anyone who did not please the occupation regime were exterminated. On the whole, according to the estimates of the scientists 100.000 people were executed and buried in Babyn Yar.
A separate page in the history of Babyn Yar is the rescue of doomed Jews. In 1963 the National Institute of Holocaust and Heroism “Yad Vashem” approved the criteria for receiving the honorary title of “Righteous among the Nations”. This honorary title was awarded to those who saved Jews – provided them with shelter, food, helped them to survive, guided only by a sense of mercy.
The audience was also told about the memory of the Babyn Yar tragedy.
Kropelnytska Yu.V., a college teacher, spoke about creating a ghetto in Chernivtsi during World War II.
The event was held for the sophomores of 2 gr. (Base 9) specialty “Pharmacy. Industrial pharmacy” of BGMU college, on the initiative of the teacher of the college, Kropelnytska Yu.V.
The event was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska
On the eve of the Day of Ukrainian Cinema on September 7, 2021 an art hour “Ivan Mykolaychuk – the soul of Ukrainian poetic cinema” took place at the library of BSMU.
Students were told about the actor, screenwriter, director, Ivan Mykolaychuk, whose 80th anniversary would be marked this year.
Ivan Mykolaychuk’s life was very short? only 46 years, during his creative career the actor managed to play 34 roles, write 9 screenplays and created two directorial works.
Students were told the biography of the famous actor and shown videos from the films “Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors”, “White Bird with a Black Sign”, “Babylon – 20”, which became the pearl of Ukrainian cinema.
The event was held for third-year students of the. professional college of BSMU specialty “Pharmacy. Industrial Pharmacy “under the guidance of the curator of the group Kupchanko K.P.
The art hour was prepared and conducted by Svitlana Tulevska and Iryna Kukhliy
On the eve of Constitution Day, June 9, the librarian of the first category, Tulewska S.O. together with the sophomores of professional college of BSMU specialty “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” under the direction of the curator of the group – Kupchanko K.P. held informational on-line hour “Constitution, the guardian of our statehood”.
25 years ago, on June 28, 1996 at the session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Basic Law of our state, the Constitution of Ukraine was adopted.
The adoption of the Constitution consolidated the legal basis of the independent Ukraine, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and fixed the distribution of power between the branches of power, and defined foreign policy. It was the most important step in ensuring human and civil rights, as well as contributed to further increasing the international prestige of Ukraine in the world arena.
This event was preceded by six years of hard work, consultations and agreements. Although Ukraine was the last of the post-Soviet republics to adopt a Constitution, the international community has recognized it as one of the most democratic in the world.
In addition to all of the above, the students were told about the milestones of history, by which the Ukrainians went to their statehood.
Students and young people are a progressive force of transformations and changes taking place in Ukraine today and they are called to be active participants in the development of a prosperous democratic state.
Every year on June 5, the world celebrates World Environment Day. The main purpose of the holiday is to stimulate active activities of the world community aimed at preserving the balance of nature and the environment.
In this regard, on June 4, the teaching staff of the Department of Physiology named after J.D. Kirshenblat (head of the department Dr. S.S. Tkachuk, Dr. Y.G. Masikevich, PhD. Semenenko S.B.) initiated round table (online).
Library staff, Tulewska S.O., Kukhliy I.V. prepared and held a presentation “We are a part of nature, let’s keep it”, during which they told about the history of this holiday, about the measures that are taken in most countries of the world. Marking of this day helps to draw public attention to environmental problems and emphasizes the urgent need to change the attitude of man to natural resources.
A separate question was devoted to environmental problems in Ukraine, namely the plastic pollution. It was told about the bill of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from June 1, which limits the use of plastic bags.
Belokon M.V., the invited guest, the Head of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Chernivtsi Regional State Administration showed the presentation “The main environmental challenges and threats of the Pokuttia-Bukovyna Carpathians”.
At the end of the event all those present were recommended to watch the film “The Sower”.
The event was held for students and teachers of BSMU.
On May 12, 2021, for the Day of Science in Ukraine, leading librarian of the Information and Bibliographic Department Sophia Zaderei organized and held the information hour “Basics of scientific citation and style of reference in scientific papers” for scientists of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases.
During the event a number of questions related to the rules for citing the published works of other authors were addressed: provided a general concept of citation, its types, specified the legislative framework on copyright issues related to citation; identified the main rules, types of offenses related to violations of the legislation regarding the requirements for citation, plagiarism and self-citation.
Emphasis was placed on the topics that are rarely discussed, but raise many questions among scholars: qualitative and quantitative characteristics of references and quotations, references to foreign authors and quotation of foreign texts, quotation by secondary sources, quotation by citation, quotation of unpublished and old-printed editions.
Scientists were shown the samples of correct citation, examples of erroneous or incorrect use and execution of quotations, based on the typical mistakes made in scientific papers were given.
After all, the competent use of scientific literature is one of the most important requirements for scientific work, whether it is a scientific article or a monograph. The author’s ability to work with scientific literature, correctly use citations and make out references to used sources, acts as one of the indicators of the level of his academic training.
BSMU celebrates International Nurses’ Day. On May 12 International Nurses’ Day is marked. Nurses are always at the forefront of the fight for life. It is the nursing staff that spends most of their time caring of patient and a patient’s recovery largely depends on them. World Nurses Day is celebrated in honor of the English nurse Florence Nightingale, on her birthday, May 12. The holiday was officially established only in 1971, since nurses from 141 countries united into a public organization, the International Council of Nurses.
At the initiative of Medical faculty 4 Dean, professor Tamila Sorokman, an informative hour, dedicated to this event was held for the freshmen of specialty “Nursing|. The event was attended by: Associate Professor Svitlana Semenenko, the head curator of the faculty, library staff, 1st category specialists Svitlana Tulevska and Irina Kukhlij. They introduced students with the development of nursing in the world, spoke about the outstanding personalities of nursing: Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Catherine Bakunina, Dasha Sevastopolskaya, described the role of Sophia Okunevskaya in the formation of nursing service. Svitlana Semenenko congratulated the future specialists of nursing with the holiday and invited them to the multi-stage nursing education, told about the development of nursing in Bukovina and at BSMU.
The students listened to the speakers with interest and enthusiasm.
For the Day of Science in Ukraine, on May 6 the library staff held an information hour “Plagiarism, its varieties and countermeasures”.
1 category librarian Tuleuska S.O. told the audience about academic plagiarism, its varieties and recommendations to prevent this negative phenomenon in the educational process. The requirements for academic papers, the means of checking their uniqueness were considered, the examples of plagiarism in the works of students were given.
The students were pointed out that the correct use of quotations and citations in academic papers is an important component of adhering to the principles of academic virtue.
Informational hour was organized by the support of associate professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Department Kvasnitska O.B. for the 4th year students of the Medical Faculty 2, with participation of docents: Voloshyna L.O., Goncharuk L.M., assistants: Ferfetska K.V., Buzdugan I.O., Prysyazhnyuk I.V.
For Science Day in Ukraine, on May 5, there was a webinar “Support in Medline with Full Text” (EBSCO)
Chief Librarian Gimchynska O.K. gave a presentation on the full-text database of scientific information “Medline with Full Text”, indexed by one of the largest private and family-owned companies in the U.S., EBSCO Information Services. Useful information was provided about the databases the Library provides access to.
The event was held for the 4th year students of the Medical Faculty No 2 with the participation of associate professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Department Kvasnytska O.B. and the department assistants – Ferfetska K.V., Buzdugan I.O., Chernetska N.V.
On April 28, for the Day of Science in Ukraine the online seminar of the School of Young Teacher was organized by the library staff of BSMU on the topic “Basics of scientific citation and styles of citations in scientific papers. Presentation of one’s own achievements to the scientific community”.
The meeting was attended by the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and education PhD Nina Zorij and young teachers of the University.
The main aim of the event was to prove to the young scientists that an obligatory component of any scientific work is scientific citation.
With this purpose, the leading librarian of information and bibliographic department Sofia Zaderey drew attention of young scientists to the fact that one of the most important requirements of scientific work is the competent use of scientific literature which is cited in the research.
During the seminar several questions related to the rules for citing the published works of other authors were addressed: a general notion of citation, its types, the legislative framework on copyright issues related to citation was provided; the basic requirements for citation, plagiarism and self-citation were identified.
Along with the basic rules of citation, there were topics that raise many questions for young scientists: the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of references and citations, the choice of standard design of sources for publication.
Examples were given of erroneous or incorrect use and formatting of citations, based on the typical mistakes made in scientific papers.
Head of the information and bibliographic department Alina Shyrenkova spoke about the possibility of presenting the scientists’ own achievements to the scientific community.
After all, scientists want their researches to be significant among other scientists, be of benefit due to the unique data, then other authors will refer to them, use them in their works and create new discoveries.
On the occasion of Science Day in Ukraine on April 30, an online webinar “Electronic library services and EBSCO full-text database to help scientists” took place.
Chief librarian Gimchinska O.K. provided information about the full-text EBSCO database, familiarized the participants with useful information and user instructions. She told how to get access to full-text databases of the best world magazines.
Librarian of the 1st category Tulevska S.O. She introduced the audience to the electronic services of the library, which are available on the official website and told about the services that can be useful to teachers and students.
The teachers actively participated in the discussion of the webinar topic.
The webinar was organized by Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Kvasnytska O.B and librarian of the 1st category Tulevska S.O.
The event took place for IV year students of the Medical Faculty No. 2, with the participation of associate professors of the department L.O. Voloshina, L.M. Goncharuk, K.V. Ferfetska, assistants., I.V. Prisyazhnyuk, I.O.Buzdugan.
On the occasion of the day of science in Ukraine on April 29, associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Kvasnytska O.B. and librarian of the 1st category Tulevska S.O. organized an information hour “Preventing academic plagiarism in universities”.
During the event, they talked about the problem of plagiarism in educational and scientific works. The students were told about the existence of cases of plagiarism, given examples. Attention was drawn to the need to provide a link to the results of the work, on the basis of which conclusions about their own research are drawn.
The attendees were told that the university has introduced a computer system for recording, storing and comparative analysis of electronic texts of written works of employees and students, which is called “Antiplagiarism” and allows you to check documents for borrowing texts from open sources. The check is carried out in the reading room of periodicals, manuscripts and catalogs. (Bogomolets str., 2)
The event was held for the 4th year students of the Medical Faculty No. 1, with the participation of the associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Kulachek N.T., assistants Ferfetska K.V., Chernetska N.V., Stegnytska I.O., Buzdugan I.O.

“Olexandr Bohomolets, the Ukrainian who extended life of mankind”. On the 27th of April, 2021, in the framework of measures devoted to the Day of Science in Ukraine, the library staff of the Service department with the participation of the Associate professor of Physiology Department Semenenko S.B. and professor Masikevych Yu.G. organized and held the information hour on the topic “Olexandr Bohomolets, the Ukrainian who extended life of mankind”.
The event was accompanied by an interesting presentation, giving the students an opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of the great scientist.
Associate professor Semenenko S.B. joined the speech. The questions of student scientific circle of the Physiology Department were highlighted. Professor Masikevych Yu.G. also took part in the presentation and told about interesting facts of O. Bohomolets’ life, and scientific achievements of students of BSMU.
The event was attended by the sophomores of group 26. It was organized and held by Dina Pyslar, Iryna Kukhlij, Masha Yavorska.
On April 21, 2021 for the Day of Science in Ukraine a webinar “Use of information retrieval systems in writing a scientific paper” was held by the library staff for the students of School of Young Teacher.
The meeting was attended by the vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and education, associate professor Nina ZORIY and young teachers of the university.
With the trends of the times and challenges, the scientific community needs quality, reliable information from primary sources to highlight their own achievements.
It is with this purpose, the library staff, the head of the information and bibliographic department Alina SHYRENKOVA and the head librarian Olena GIMCHINSKA, during the webinar gave examples of proper search for scientific information in international and domestic databases. They presented the possibilities of the university’s own resources: the electronic catalog of ABIS “IRBIS-64” and access to the full texts of Springer Nature database; the digital repository “Intellectual funds of BSMU”. The data on informational, bibliographic, abstract, full-text and scientometric databases that are freely available (PubMed, Open Ukrainian Citation Index, National Repository of Academic Texts, Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine, scientific conferences Ukraine, etc.) was highlighted, the attention was drawn to bases accessible from IP-addresses of the University (scientometric DB Web of Science, Scopus and full-text database EBSCO Health).
The work of EBSCO Health, a full-text database that is available at the university was demonstrated online.
The ability to select high-quality and reliable scientific information saves time, improves results and helps to promote their own achievements.
By the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, the library staff Tulevska S.A., Kukhliy I.V. together with the sophomores (groups 15, 16) Medical Faculty 2, at the initiative of group curators, Associate Professor of Histology, Cytology and Embryology Department Panteleichuk N.P., Assistant Professor Andruschak L.A., held a memorial “Eternal bells of memory and sorrow”.
April 26, 1986 is one of the most sorrowful dates in the history of our people, the memories of which will penetrate our hearts with a sharp pain, the consequences of which we will feel for a long time.
The students were shown a multimedia presentation during which the causes and drastic consequences of the catastrophe were explained.
One minute’s silence was observed to honor the feat of the firemen who were the first to accept the deadly dose of radiation at Unit 4 of the plant and all those who took part in the liquidation of the accident and construction of the protective structure, sarcophagus.
Students emotionally recited poetic lines about the Chernobyl tragedy by authors L. Kostenko, A. Bagryanoy, B. Oleynik, G. Chubach, G. Karanda, causing appropriate feelings in the audience.
At the end of the event it was noted, that we, Ukrainians, should remember and honor the heroes, thanks to whom we live today. After all, in every settlement there are participants of those tragic events. Chernobyl was, is and will be, and therefore we must remember it constantly.
Within the framework of Science Day in Ukraine, on 19.04.2021, to the 100th anniversary of talented scientist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor, founder of Chernivtsi gastroenterological school, Samson О.I., the Information hour “The way devoted to the science” was held.
O.I. Samson was a personality of high humanity and culture, multifaceted, inspired, energetic, enthusiast of her work, devoted herself to science, pedagogical and social activities.
The event was held for the students of the IV course 25, 26, 28, 30 groups of the Medical Faculty № 2 with the assistance of Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Goncharuk Lyudmyla, Teleki Yana, Department Assistant Buzdugan Inna, Vivsyannyk Volodymyr, Roborchuk Stanislav, Ferfetska Kateryna, Chernetska Natalija, under the leadership of Head of the Department Fediv Oleksandr.
The information hour was prepared and held by the library staff Pozhydaeva Natalia, Tulevska Svitlana, Kukhliy Iryna.
As part of the events for the Day of Science in Ukraine, on April 12 the library staff with the assistance of acting head of the Department of Psychology and Philosophy Tymofijeva Maryna Pylypivna held a webinar “Guidelines for finding information in databases for educational and scientific activities. Correct citation and references in scientific texts” for the sophomores of the specialty “Medical Psychology” and postgraduate students of the Department of Nursing and Graduate Nursing Education.
The trainees were introduced to electronic services, information resources that are available on the official website of the library, shared information about scientometric and reference databases.
The 1st category librarian Svitlana Tulevska showed by examples how to search information in the library program Irbis-64 when writing scientific articles, reports and theses.
Head of information-library department Alina Shyrenkova briefly introduced participants with search systems, scientometric resources, which are available at our university.
She drew attention to scientometric and universal abstract database of refereed literature Scopus, which gives its users the opportunity to get the results of thematic search from one platform with a user-friendly interface, to track their rating in SCOPUS (citing one’s own publications, Hirsch index) and more.
Spoke of the capabilities of the abstract scientometric database of scientific publications, Web of Science (WoS), which offers access to bibliographic data of scientific articles from prestigious periodicals, books and scientific conferences materials with an indication of the real citation rate of these materials. Thus, the user can immediately get an idea of the relevance of a particular work and its impact on the scientific community.
ScienceDirect is a full-text database of Elsevier, which has a convenient and intuitive interface, widespread formats for downloading full-text (PDF and HTML) and the availability of hyperlinks to a significant number of scientific and medical articles on the platforms of other publishers.
Chief Librarian Olena Gimczynska drew attention to the powerful online reference and bibliographic system EBSCO, which provides the ability to search for full-text peer-reviewed articles of scientific journals, reference books and other publications in various scientific disciplines.
The leading librarian Sophia Zaderej drew attention to the fact that the proper use of citations and references in scientific papers is an important component of compliance with the principles of academic integrity and promotes the quality of integration of Ukrainian researchers in the world system of scientific communication, emphasized the importance of proper description of publications in accordance with the international Vancouver style, which is used in medicine and physical sciences. It is applied in the description of sources to scientific publications in medical professional periodicals, including our university ones.
Students and young scientists will always get help they need in their academic and scientific activities by contacting the library’s specialists.
On the 18th of March, 2021 a poetic meeting dedicated to World Poetry Day was held online for the students of Medicine Faculty № 3 by the staff of the BSMU Library.
The participants of the event were provided with information about the history of World Poetry Day and ways of its celebration in the world. Special features of the World Poetry Day 2021 under the covid-19 quarantine were highlighted in which pieces of poetry will be streaming from 8 hubs /broadcast centers located on all continents and by virtue of it poetry lovers will have the opportunity to enjoy listening to their favourite poets in the native language.
The presenter briefly described the features of poetic literature and the artistic means used by poets. An excursion into the history of poetry was made and the meters of this genre were presented, such as Homer, Aesop, Virgil, Dante, Milton, Chaucer. This was followed by the recitation by both the students Anjali Prasanth, Tushar Rawlani and the librarians Polyakova T. V. , Dzhus I. V. of the best works of world poetry, including Wiliam Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Pushkin, Henry Longfellow, William Wordsworth, William Blake, Elizabeth and Robert Browning, Robert Burns. Among the poets of our time, poems of Ukrainian poets, Lina Kostenko and Vasil Simonenko, and Indian poets, Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Kamala Das, were read.
At the end of the meeting, all participants were encouraged to read their favourite poems or poems of their own composition. The first to respond to the invitation was the curator Anistratenko Antonina Vitalievna, who prepared a video where she read the poem “Cat” by John Tolkien. She was followed by volunteer readers from the students: Reshma Nina Ramachandran and Somia Radzhesh Khaturia, the latter together with her favourite verse read a poem by her own composition.
The event was organized due to the assistance of the Chief Curator of Medicine Faculty № 3 Garvasyuk O. V., the Deputy Chief Curator of Medicine Faculty № 3 Kushnirik O. V., the curators of Medicine Faculty № 3 Anistratenko A. V., Dudko O. G., Antonyuk O. P., prepared and performed by the librarians Polyakova T. V., Dzhus I. V., Kukhliy I. V., Kalichko O. V. and Zaderey S. I.
Information on the site was prepared by T. V. Polyakova.
On the eve of the World Poetry Day, March 16, sophomores of groups 15, 16 (Medical Faculty № 2), under the guidance of group supervisors: Associate Professor, Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology Panteleichuk N.P., Department Assistant Andruschak L.A. and Library staff Tulevska S.A., Kukhliy I.V. held a literary-poetry hour “Poetry. A high state of the soul”.
Poetry is important in the spiritual enrichment of man. It is designed to excite, to give pleasure, to cherish high feelings, to join the nation and unite mankind. Students and teachers were able to emotionally and convincingly convey the content of each poetic work, reciting the poetry of the coryphaei of Ukrainian literature T. Shevchenko and I. Franko, poets of the Sixties V. Simonenko, I. Drach, the modern poets of Bukovina – G. Duschak T. Severnyuk.
The poetry of Lina Kostenko, who on March 19 would celebrate her 91st birthday, and whose works philosophically comprehend the content of each problem of life and reveal the essential human feelings, was one of the central themes of the event.
The 3rd year students of the specialty “Pharmacy” (group 4) of BSMU under the guidance of the curator of the group, Kostyshyn L.V., and Library staff Tulevska S.A., Kukhliy I.V. marked the Shevchenko Days with the poetry vernissage “The Great Word of Kobzar”.
Taras Shevchenko is an unsurpassed torch of Ukrainian culture, a brilliant poet, artist and thinker, known not only in Ukraine but all over the world. He was a man of universal talents and interests. His whole life was devoted to the Ukrainian people.
The students’ heartfelt recitations of the lines from his poetry collection Kobzar helped us to travel along the paths of his life.
Shevchenko’s works are translated into more than a hundred languages, the poetry “Testament” in English was recited by the curator of the group Kostyshyn L.V.
Taras Shevchenko’s poetry is in fact a global cultural phenomenon, it inspires readers all over the world, because the lines of Genius are addressed to all mankind and find an echo in our hearts. (11.03.2021)

The event was prepared and conducted by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Kukhliy I. V. thanks to the initiative and organization of the teachers Garvasyuk O. V., Kushnirik O. V., Antonyuk O. P., Guley L. O.
The poetic kaleidoscope “I will live forever” marked the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Lesya Ukrainka. The online event took place on the 25th of February 2021 for the freshmen of BSMU college under the guidance of group supervisor K.P. Kupchanko and library staff Tulevska S.O., and Kukhliy I.V.
The attendees were told about the biography of the famous writer and spoke about the remarkable importance of Ukrainian women’s work in the history of Ukrainian and world literature.
The students lively and zealously recited the best poems about the language, Ukraine, love, the role of the poet and auto-biographical poems, thus revealing the deep meaning of the poems.
In modern Ukrainian tradition Lesya Ukrainka is on the list of the most famous women in the past and today’s Ukraine, and she is a source of inspiration for Ukrainians because the poet saw Ukrainian literature in a European context, but with her own clear self-identification.
Lesya Ukrainka herself said to Mavka from the “Wood’s Song”: “I am alive, I will live forever. I have in my heart something that does not die…”.
On 16.02.21, to the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, library staff together with the sophomores of Medical Department 2, led by curators of the groups: Associate Professor of Histology, Cytology and Embryology Penteleichuk N.P. and assistant Andruschak L.A. held an online hour of memory “Heavenly Hundred in memory forever”.
The participants were told about the background of the Revolution of Dignity and got acquainted with the final and the most tragic stage of the Revolution, the events that took place in Kyiv on the 18-20 of February, when the authorities, instead of settling the situation peacefully, gave the criminal order to use weapons and make “cleanup” of Maidan.
Thousands of wounded and about a hundred people were killed by special forces. Among them were people of different faiths and professions. Each of them had his own family, friends, hobbies and preferences. But the call of their souls at that time called them to fight for a free, democratic, honest Ukraine. Each of them was a real patriot of his country, supported its fate, striving for the good and a better future. For the freedom of their children and the will of millions of Ukrainians the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred died. Among the dead there are also our fellow countrymen, namely Alexander Scherbanyuk and Vasily Aksenin, who were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine with the award of the Order “Gold Star”.
Students: Victoria Tsaryuk, Krystyna Makovey, Olena Denezhko, Liana Moisej prepared and inspirationally recited Maidan poetry.
The event was prepared and held by Svitlana Tulevska and Iryna Kuhlij.
For the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred on 15.02.2021, library staff Svitlana Tulevska, Iryna Kuhlij together with the freshmen of the Medical Department № 4 specialty “Medical Psychology” of BSMU, with the support of associate professor Marina Timofiyeva, held an hour of memory “Angels of Maidan”.
According to the Decree of the President, every year on February 20th Ukraine marks the Day of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred – as a sign of respect for courage, strength of spirit and firmness of citizens who gave their lives during the Revolution of Dignity, protecting the ideals of democracy, human rights and freedom and European future of Ukraine.
Ukrainian students are the driving force of the revolution. Ukrainian students were not only organizational forces and participants in the revolutionary events, but forced the entire society to change.
During the tragic events of February 18-20, 2014, 48 people were killed and fatally injured in the center of the capital. Among the dead were very young people, almost the same age as those present, who were called Heavenly Angels. Watching the video “The Heavenly Hundred. Young Angels” and multimedia presentation of the documentary events on the Maidan provoked emotions and feelings of the audience.
Students Yulia Malakugaevska, Kateryna Yushchuk, Valeria Pavlovskaya recited poetry of Maidan. Vladyslav Choban prepared a presentation, during which he revealed the causes and consequences of Euromaidan and spoke about the perpetuation of the memory of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.
A moment of silence for all present honored the memory of the fallen heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.
World Cancer Day was marked by the BSMU’s Library with an information hour online «Join the Global Fight against Cancer!» for the english-speaking students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses of the Medical Faculty №3 on the 2nd of February, 2021.
The event aimed at raising awareness of World Cancer Day celebrations in the world. The most necessary information was given about cancer, its history, causes, treatment and prevention of the disease. The narration was confirmed by the statistical data as to the victims of cancer in different countries. Special attention was paid to the spread of the disease in India. The emphasis was made on the ways of prophilaxis; recommendations were given about the lifestyle, habits and diet. An abundance of material was used to illustrate the theme by means of modern technologies. At the end of the information hour the audience reacted online with questions concerning the ways of their concrete participation in the celebrations of World Cancer Day in the situation of covid-19 quarantine
The event was held thanks to the initiative and help of the teachers staff, namely Garvasyuk O., Kushniryuk O., Antonyuk O. , prepared and made by the librarians Polyakova T. V. and Kukhliy I.
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