A requiem hour “The Way to Freedom” on the occasion of the Day of Dignity and Freedom was held at the BSMU library, which was attended by freshmen of the Faculty of Medicine No. 1 (groups 2, 5, 8, 9, and 11) together with the curators and the staff of the Bukovinian state medical university.
The students were told about the revolutionary events of November 21, 2013 – February 20, 2014, when the government’s announcement to suspend the process of preparation for signing the agreement on European integration shook the people of Ukraine. As a result of the criminal violence of the authorities against citizens, a peaceful protest turned into a Eurorevolution. The events on the Maidan showed the whole world that the highest goal for the Ukrainian people was to preserve human values and the foundations of democracy.
The students’ watching the presentation helped them go through the stages of the Revolution of Dignity. To understand that the citizens of our country must defend the honor, dignity, and freedom of Ukrainians on the Maidan. The emotional perception of the event was enhanced by a video plot of the tragic events on the Maidan, and the students’ recitation of poetic lines did not leave anyone indifferent.
The Day of Dignity, the 9th anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity, is marked this year in conditions of war. What is happening now is the continuation of our struggle for freedom. Karina, a first-year student, who lived in the city of Mariupol before the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and could not even imagine how much her life would change after February 24, 2022, that she would live in Bukovina, become a student at our university, her daughters would attend kindergarten and school in Chernivtsi, shared her feelings. The lives of all Ukrainians have changed, millions of our citizens have been left without homes, we have to see how military servicemen and peaceful Ukrainians die at the hands of the occupier, women remain without husbands, children without father or mother, and in every Ukrainian family there are tears, whether for a son or then for the father, and someone’s neighbor went missing, a brother or sister was left without a limb…
Today, history once again shows us that the Ukrainian people are indomitable, that it is a Great Nation that knows history, remembers its Heroes, a nation that is rich in cultural and spiritual values, and a person is the highest treasure. Our people will overcome everything because the Great Victory awaits them ahead.
The event was prepared and held by librarians Svitlana Tulevska, Nataliya Zhuk, and Iryna Kuhlij in cooperation with the chief curator of the Faculty of Medicine No. 1, associate professor of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics Maryana Kryvchanska, associate professors Kateryna Vlasova and Volodymyr Voloshyn, as well as assistants of the department Vladyslav Yosypenko, Oleksiy Smetaniuk and Kateryna Tymchuk.
‘Together we are strong!’, under such name there was the hour of patriotism devoted to the Day of Dignity and Freedom for the freshmen and sophomores of professional college of BSMU, specialty ‘Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy’ (base 9) under the initiative of the teachers of college Ekaterina Kupchanko and Julia Kropelnitskaya in cooperation with the librarians Svitlana Tulevska, Natalia Zhuk, Iryna Kuhliy.
Students took part in a literary and poetic montage, reciting Maidan poetry, reproducing the chronology of events on the Maidan.
It was the student youth who were the first to declare their disagreement with the political decision of the then government. Young people went to the Maidan to defend their future, their right to live with dignity, to have freedom. Society clearly showed that it did not want to go under the “fraternal wing of Russia”, but that it was defending European values.
The final chord of the event was the poetry of L. Dobrovolskaya “Yellow-blue Ukrainian flag” performed by college teacher Julia Kropelnitskaya.
On November 14, 2022, an information hour “Together we will defeat diabetes” (online) was held for students of the Faculty of Medicine No. 3 dedicated to World Diabetes Day in the BSMU library.
Librarian I cat. Tetyana POLYAKOVA substantiated the importance of celebrating Diabetes Day with statistical data on the spread of this disease in the world and in India in particular. A brief scientific reference was provided on the nature of diabetes, its causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Foreign students had the opportunity to get interesting information about outstanding scientists Frederic Bunting, Charles Herbert Best and John McLeough, who discovered insulin, which became one of the greatest inventions in medicine, saved and continues to save the lives of millions of people.
Those present had the opportunity to learn about the World Diabetes Federation, which in 1991 became the initiator of Diabetes Day and, together with the World Health Organization, government organizations, doctors, advocates for the protection of diabetes patients and mass media, united in the fight against the disease and organize screening programs, radio and television companies, sporting events, webinars, etc. on Diabetes Day. Examples of the different themes of Diabetes Day in different years were given and the blue circle, which is the international symbol of diabetes, was shown.
At the end of the meeting, practical advice was given on ways to prevent the disease. The whole story was accompanied by bright and expressive slides. Nataliіa VOLOSHYNOVYCH, chief curator of MF№3, university teachers and foreign students of BSMU took an active part in the discussion of the Diabetes Day.
The event was prepared and conducted by librarians Polyakovа T.V. and Devyatkinа D.O.
On November 10, on the occasion of the World Science Day, an information hour “Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine” took place at the library of BSMU with the participation of freshmen of the 8th and 9th (Medical Faculty №1) and sophomores of the 2nd group (specialty “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy”.
Library staff Svitlana TULEVSKA, Natalia ZHUK prepared a presentation in which the personality of Alfred Nobel was revealed. It was told about the huge contribution to medicine of scientists, doctors, inventors, outstanding personalities who at different times became Nobel Prize winners in physiology or medicine, for saving lives from fatal and incurable diseases; the creation of vaccines against tetanus and diphtheria (Emil von Behring), the discovery of the hormone insulin (Frederick Bunting, John McLeod).
The students listened with interest to the discovery of Alexander Fleming, who, thanks to his sloppiness, discovered the historically first antibiotic, penicillin, the mass production of which was established during the Second World War and saved the lives of many wounded and sick. Fleming attained international fame as ‘one of the greatest benefactors of mankind’.
The information about the discoveries of Vernen Forsman (he inserted a catheter through the ulnar vein into the right atrium), Barry Marshall (he drank a culture of Helicobacter pylori to prove that these bacteria can cause stomach ulcers) aroused great interest among the audience.
With great interest students joined the discussion about the discovery of Michael Rosbash, Michael W. Young and Jeffrey S. Hall about the molecular mechanisms of circadian gene regulation. Assistants professors of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, PhD Vladyslav YOSYPENKO and Oleksii SMETANYUK told about their discovery and the mechanism of regulation of circadian rhythms. They stressed that the research is extremely relevant, and the scientists of our university are actively working in this direction. In particular, the Department of Medical Biology has been studying the brain structures involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms and physiological processes that are subject to these rhythms for several decades.
Yuliana LUKAN, a teacher of the BSMU Professional College, told about the Nobel Prize winner in 2022 – Svante Paabo and his discoveries about the genomes of extinct hominids and human evolution. Through his groundbreaking research, Svante Paabo did something seemingly impossible: he sequenced the genome of Neanderthal, an extinct relative of modern humans. Paabo also discovered that gene transfer originated from these now extinct hominids to Homo sapiens after migration from Africa about 70,000 years ago. This ancient flow of genes to modern humans has physiological significance today, for example by influencing how our immune system responds to infections.
On September 19, 2022, on the occasion of the Day of Pharmacist, an information hour “Pharmacist: the first step into the profession” was held at the BSMU library.
Students of the Professional College of BSMU, specialty “Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” were told the history of pharmacy from the ancient period to the present, and became interested in the first scientific research in this field. Teachers told about remarkable facts, events and inventions in the field of pharmacy.
Future pharmacists learned about the volunteer work that pharmacy students together with teachers do to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
It was emphasized that the profession of pharmacist remains one of the most respected, necessary and demanded professions in the world. And our current and future graduates are specialists on whose qualifications the health of the nation depends.
The event was prepared by the 1st category librarian, Svitlana Tulevska
Harmful Effect of Smoking was the title of the Information Hour which had taken place at the Library on the World No Smoking Day. It was held for the freshmen and sophomores of the Professional College of BSMU.
The 1st category librarian Svitlana Tulevska talked about the threat of smoking as one of the most serious medical and social problems. The WHO statistics on the increase of morbidity and mortality from this problem was presented. The devastating effect of tobacco on the lungs, respiratory tract, stomach; the influence of nicotine and all toxic substances (carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, tobacco tars, benzpyrene) on the human body causing cancer and various diseases were considered.
Special attention was paid to the harm that smoking brings to the female body, and the unacceptability of smoking for pregnant women.
The teachers of the college Kateryna Kupchanko and Juilija Kropelnitskaya joined the discussion on this problem and pointed out that all forms of tobacco consumption, including cigarettes, smoking pipes, vapes and electronic cigarettes, as well as the effect of passive smoking on the body significantly undermine human health and threaten life.
The event ended with the words of Democritus: “The greatest victory is a victory over yourself, and the most shameful is to be defeated by your passions.
On May 18, 2022, the BDMU library held an online event “Love medicine the way A. A. Bogomolets loved it”, dedicated to the Day of Science in Ukraine, for students of the Medicine Faculty №3. Olexander Olexandrovich Bogomolets was presented as the founder of the national pathophysiology, academician, President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Labor. Special attention was paid to such discoveries of the scientist as antireticular cytotoxic serum, new methods of transfusion and preservation of blood, the interaction of tumor and body and writing of the country’s first textbook on pathological physiology.
Academician A. A. Bogomolets was described not only as a brilliant scientist, but also as an active public figure and a wonderful person. It was noted in the story that the scientist’s contribution to national science was highly appreciated by awarding the highest orders, titles, medals; memorial plaques were hung on the houses where the academician lived, streets in many cities of the country were named after him.
In the conclusion, the academician’s motto was given: “Life is not everything, the main thing is to serve people”. It was told about the awarding of Bogomolets prize for outstanding achievements in the field of pathophysiology and all the participants of the event were encouraged to love medicine and strive for discoveries.
The event was prepared and conducted by library staff T. V. Polyakova and I. V. Kukhliy with the organizational support of the chief curator of the medical faculty No. 3 Kushnirik A.V. and curators of the faculty Antonyuk A. P., Vlasova K. V. and Stegnitskaya L. V.
An information hour Prevention of academic plagiarism in higher education for the freshmen of Medical Faculty 2 to mark the Day of Science in Ukraine was held at the University Library.
The issue of plagiarism in academic and scientific papers was considered, the definition of academic plagiarism was outlined according to the Law “On Higher Education” and the sanctions for those who plagiarize in the scientific research were numbered.
The most common types of plagiarism were discussed and examples were given. Successful models of maintaining academic virtue at the level of individual institutions were discussed. The rules of correct citation and referencing, and compilation of a list of used sources outlined.
The guiding opinion of the event was that plagiarism should be seen as an anomaly to be corrected rather than a constant factor to be tolerated.
The event was prepared and held by the 1st category librarian Svitlana Tulevska with the support of assistant professor of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology Natalia Penteleichuk and assistant professor Lyudmila Andruschak.
The Faculty of Medicine 4 celebrated World Nurses’ Day. May 12 is World Nurses’ Day. The date was officially established in 1971. It has been marked since the professional social organization united nurses from 141 countries into the International Council of Nurses. According to the decision of the International Organization of the Red Cross the World Nurses’ Day is celebrated in honor of the English nurse Florence Nightingale (May 12, 1820 – August 13, 1910).
On the occasion of this date, the online event “The role of nurses in society” was held at the Faculty of Medicine 4. At the event were present: Tamila Sorokman, MD, professor, Dean of the Medical Faculty 4; Svitlana Semenenko, PhD in Biology, associate professor, head curator of the Medical Faculty 4; Svitlana Tulevska, 1st category librarian and Iryna Kukhliy, reading room librarian. Nadezhda Cherney, freshmen’ supervisor and the students of the 1st group took part in the presentation.
Tamila Sorokman congratulated the audience on World Nurses’ Day and told the future specialists about famous nurses of the world, their role in the development of nursing, and noted the significant participation of nursing professionals in the war. The Dean of the Faculty familiarized the students with the development and role of multistage nursing education in Ukraine, and noted the opportunity to engage in scientific nursing at BSMU.
Svitlana Semenenko emphasized the role of a modern nurse as a highly qualified specialist, a professional in demand not only in the domestic, but also in the international labor market, spoke about the approaches to nurse participation in the diagnostic and treatment process, as well as the quality of care and introduced the famous nurses of our time.
Library staff Svitlana Tulevska and Irina Kukhliy joined the event and demonstrated a presentation “Graces by Vocation”. The audience got to know the history of the origin of the holiday. They told about iconic figures of nursing in the world – Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Blessed Josaphat of Gordaszew, Dasha of Sevastopol, Sophia Okuniewska and their contribution to the development of nursing.
Nadezhda Vaskul introduced students to the importance of preventive work of nurses, public health, ensuring epidemic safety of the population, in particular during the epidemic of Covid-19, culture of communication and nutrition.
So, it is difficult to imagine our medicine without a nurse. This is one of the most humane professions of our time, because human life and health are the main values for everyone. It is they who heal wounds, give the joy of life, instill faith in healing, and save the wounded in war.
On May 2 an online information hour “Contribution of the famous scientists of BSMU to the medical science” dedicated to the Day of Science in Ukraine was held.
The students were told about coryphaei scientists of our University, who were the founders of chairs, who stood at the origins of scientific schools, who made a significant contribution to the development of medicine, whose scientific heritage multiplied the glory of our university and the anniversaries from the day of their birth our university celebrates this year. They are:
Valentyn L. Henkin (120 years of birth). Doctor of Medical Sciences, Scientist, Professor, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery (1955-1962) and Faculty Surgery (1962-1971).
Victoria A. Malishevska (100 year anniversary). Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Human Anatomy (1970-1985), (2000-2001).
Borys O. Milkov (90th anniversary). Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Surgery (1980-1997), Professor of the Department of Surgery (1997-2009).
Nathan B. Shchupak (120 years of birth). Doctor of medical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy (1949-1966).
Georgii P. Kalyna (120th birthday) Doctor of Medicine, professor, prominent microbiologist, epidemiologist, scientist, researcher, Head of the Department of Microbiology (1947-1955).
Manheim Olexander Ye. (130th birthday). Doctor of Medicine, professor, outstanding surgeon, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery (1945-1955).
Naum M. Shinkerman (115th birthday anniversary). Doctor of Medicine, professor, scientist, publicist, doctor, pathologist, Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy (1945-1968).
Volodymyr K. Patratiy (95th birthday anniversary). Doctor of Medicine, professor, teacher, scientist-microbiologist, rector (1975-1993), Head of the Department of Microbiology and Virology (1993-2001), professor of the Department of Microbiology and Virology (2001-2017).
Yakov D. Kirshenblat (110th birthday). Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology (1954-1980)
Ludwig B. Theodor (125th birthday). Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (1948-1963).
The students’ attention was directed to honor the achievements of the coryphaei of BSMU, which are relevant today and which our University is proud of.
The event was prepared and held by the library staff Tulevska S.O., Zhuk N.R. for the freshmen and sophomores of Medical Faculty № 2 supported by Associate Professor, Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology Penteleichuk N.P. and Department assistant Andruschak L.A.

For the Day of Unity, which, according to the order of President V.Zelensky, is celebrated on February 16, the library staff of BSMU Svetlana Tulevskaya and Irina Kuhnliy together with the teacher of the college Ekaterina Kupchanko and the 2nd and 3rd year students of the professional college of BSMU specialty “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” held an information hour “Ukrainians are together”.
Students were read out the words of the President: “Today is an important day – Day of our unity. We are different, of different ages, different sexes, from different cities, regions, different professions, different talents, different knowledge, languages, religions. But we are united by one desire: to live in a happy world, in one family, with children, with parents. And to all this we have every right. Because we are at home, we are in Ukraine. And nobody will love our home as we do. And we are the only ones who can protect our home.
The audience was given an excursion into history. The emphasis was made on the fact that the state is shaped by the people who live on its territory and make history. It is on the national consciousness of citizens that the country is built. We must never forget our roots, always be ready to defend our identity, traditions and values. Because the common goal for all Ukrainians is a strong, successful and peaceful country.
Student Yulia Shabelnikova read poetry by V. Sosyura “Love Ukraine”.
The final chord was the song of Tina Karol ‘Ukraine is you!’
On the 10th of February 2022 in the BSMU Library an information hour «Know Epilepsy — No Fear!» dedicated to World Epilepsy Day was held online by the library workers for students of Medical faculty №3.
The key message being that epilepsy is a treatable medical illness of the brain, the event aimed at raising awareness of the disease at international and governmental levels as well as in the general public. Epilepsy was covered in historical, scientific, medical, therapeutic and preventive aspects. The problems faced by people with epilepsy, their families and carers such as discrimination and restrictions of human rights based on superstitions were highlighted. As counterarguments, the names of genius and outstanding people in history and modern times suffering from epilepsy were presented. Much attention was paid to the achievements of medicine in the treatment of epilepsy and its prevention. Those present were instructed about the rules of first aid in cases of epileptic seizures. All those present were encouraged to participate in the celebration of the International Day of Epilepsy according to their capabilities, no matter how small, but which will make a difference to the 65 million people in the world who are living with epilepsy.
The event was prepared and conducted by librarians Polyakova T. V. and Devyatkina D. A. thanks to the initiative and organization of the deputy chief curator of the medical faculty No. 3 Kushnirik A.V., curator Garvasyuk A.V. and the support of curators Antonyuk A. P., Vlasova K. V., Namestyuk S. V., Stegnitskaya L. V. The event was also attended by BSMU teacher Fedorkiv N. B.
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